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After a couple of months of Shadowlands we are finally expecting to see some new changes and balances in patch 9.1 . Despite all the Buffs and Nerfs we are expecting Vengeance Demon Hunter is in a very good spot in Shadowlands. From Raiding to mythic+ Vengeance is a very solid option for anyone who wants to main a fun , mobile and versatile melee dps.
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0:00 Intro
0:54 Overview
1:58 Stats
3:45 Talents
5:14 Covenants
7:40 Legendaries
8:42 Conclusion
#Shadowlands #WoW #Vengeance #DemonHunter
Well done very nice long waited guide 👍
Another incredible specc to review! Vengeance has been an absolute blast! What specc do you want to see next?
Once again a very good guide dude , keep it up! waiting for druid guides
loooool i wanna play vengeance now! What about Fury warriorrrrr???? xD
good guide but please turn ya mic bass down lol
Fodder to the Flame is bugged and broken
i think i will try a vengance hunter just because of this video. But ONLY in rbg's …I don't wanna tank in dungeons. Screw that lol
Must say that,, this is a very clearly short simple review i ever watch in youtube ,, auto subs!!
ps: i love your sound <3
You can get better information by using warcraftlogs a way better site for info
I play both prot warrior and vengeance DH… DH is still in early stage though. Prot warriors still feels Way more mobility than DH. DH do ofc not lack mobility, but war with jump, charge and intervene- it feels superior compaired to DH.
I just picked vengeance up. And I enjoy way more than other classes I've played. Prolly gonna semi main it tbh 😀
Been maining dh since legion. Vengeance is still the most fun tank spec imo. Rotation is simple which mean your interface isn't congested. Less macros and keyboards to worry about. Damage is decent, but its their mobility that seals the deal.
great video mate! loved the timestamps to! <3 also do you know the drop rate of darkglare boon?
Great video! I have to ask, what's the addon you use that shows the arrows indicating the direction of the enemy's next ability use?