Wait, What?! How Did Uther Appear In Legion If He Was In Shadowlands?!

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Plot hole, or the power of the light? We dive into the funky situation of Uther’s in game appearances!

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49 thoughts on “Wait, What?! How Did Uther Appear In Legion If He Was In Shadowlands?!”

  1. Shadowlands was a warcrime equivalent in terms of the quality as well as the lasting implications the lore will have on the game moving forward. Anyone with any involvement in the story or writing shouldn't only be embarrassed but should actively try and hide being involved with it. Or maybe I'm being a little dramatic. Nah

  2. I feel like there is some Light shenanigans going on like that's not really uther but the Light or naaru manifesting as uther to answer their call to more easily manipulate the paladin like creating willing cult behavior you can see it as everyone has a point if you listen to them even the most evil of people like the jailer probably had a good point (mortis raid kek)

  3. The only argument I could expect is that this is simply a third unknown shard of his soul. So one went to Shadowlands, one went to the Light, one was held by Frostmourne/Jailer.

  4. Theory: Legion Uther is Lothraxion or another dread lord. Being members of the Legion, they'd know exactly where to find Tirion, the state he is in, as well as the Ashbringer. By providing the whereabouts of both, it would eventually lead to the defeat of Argus culminating in the Arbiter going dormant.

  5. I stopped taking WoW lore seriously when I first started playing as a Belf and saw a line of other players waiting to kill a quest villain as it respawned. Less than twenty minutes into the game. Now I see things like instances of two of the same npc in the same place at the same time and don't even think twice. Video game be video game.

  6. I think the "Uther" we see in that quest is an echo of his soul. Kinda like how Xavius has us fight his echo in Darkheart Thicket. It could be the light manifesting the most familiar version of him to Maxwell. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

  7. I thought Bluther went to bastion upon his own death, and the other half that got nabbed by Frostmourne is the ghost we meet in Legion and WotLK.
    It's either that, or they kinda just forgot, lol.

  8. It's a piece of his soul. I mean you can say there are plot holes in WoW, sure. But seriously, a piece of his soul is missing, that's what happened. Also it's called "hall of echoes."

    And while I'd agree that they should pay mind to the hall of echoes (though it's fine like I said earlier.) An old Vanilla throwaway quest shouldn't influence future expansions.

  9. Hold on a Minute.
    Maybe, and thats a far catch
    The Souls claimed by Frostmorne cant find their way to the shadowlands? Because it was stated that the souls were free but i never saw A) two uthers or b) both part of uther reuniting. Like this part is still Missing, maybe other forces took them like the light the part of uther that was locked in frostmorne

  10. Time works different in the Shadowlands.
    It CAN be blue uther that be free When the blade be shattered AND when he dies.
    I know it is the simplest way to say that but isn't it cannon lore? Some one said it I guess that the time flows different in the Shadowlands

  11. I am going to run with the theory the light is playing tricks using Uthers image. Uther does not answer the question. "Is it really you?" when we pray hard enough… sometimes we see what we want to see and be blinded from the truth by the light.

  12. I don't know what's lamer the plot hole or the explanations to try to rationalize how it's not a plot hole. The rational thing is that they just forgot because they don't care.

  13. I used to think that the worst lore hands down was in WoD, because of the timey wimey stuff. You travel back in the past, but it's an alternative past, there are clones of characters, but conveniently they never meet and only one of the time clones survives. Then our time line is somehow the "main" time-line, but the Orcs in this one time line somehow have the power to conquer all the other time lines, and then there is the Burning Legion that somehow exists only once across all alternative realities and timeliness, but despite that, the demons are still somehow more numerous and powerful then all of the infinite timelines combined.
    It was all stupid.

    But it has nothing on the stupidity of Shadowlands lore. I didn't think it was possible they could butcher the lore without time travel, but here I was proven wrong.
    Imagine that they create an entire expansion undead and afterlife themed, yet they never even acknowledge the fact that on thausands and thausands of occasions, we encounter souls of the dead on Azeroth. With this new "machine of death" system they devised for Shadowlands, nothings makes sense anymore. They mechanized the process of souls dying and traveling to the land of the dead. But they never explained how it's possible that some souls never even go to Shadowlands, or worse, how some souls return.
    You had necromancy ever since Warcraft 2 I think. And you could always raise the dead, by having their soul return to an undead body. Nothing ever prevented that. No Maw, no Kyrian transport chains. Yet now if we have characters like Nazgrim for example, we have to wonder what they did for years before they were raised, how come their soul returned, and why they don't remember anything.
    One would think that if Blizzard takes on itself this monumental task of explaining the inner workings of afterlife, that they won't skip the critical part in how resurrection and raising works. And how come it doesn't contradict Shadowlands? Because it happens all the time!

  14. I believe the light is a form of fanaticism and it can manifest what the caller wants to reach and fulfill its goals, so technically Uther seen in Legion was not the real Uther it was a manifestation of the light to complete its own goal.

  15. "If" we were to make everything legit in continuity, I would assume stuff.
    One: The Uther that shows up is a fake or an "echo" but knows enough and seeks to guide the people towards the goal as an omnipotent entity. Definitely "guided".
    Two: It truly is Uther but "Time", forwards or backwards or all realities/time was available to him. Light or Dragon related.
    Three: "The Rule of Cool" at the time of Uther showing up as a part of the Paladin quest stuff… and expected no continuity at the time. Oops?

  16. Putting Azeroth lore aside for a moment, this is what is said happens to real souls here on Earth. People who deal in spirits in our reality have said for hundreds of years, that the way a soul moves on from earth is by leaving their shadow behind so that their light can move on. Maybe that's what they researched when they were putting together Uther's story in Shadowlands? That's what it looks like to me.

  17. It's called "FFXIV doesn't have this problem because they have a writer that has planned out the storyline for the next decade whereas WoW just made up a story for each expansion without much regard to continuing a story across any of them and largely without regard to the past so when you get someone that isn't a WoW lore nerd writing the story you get tons of plot holes".

  18. The Uther we see on Azeroth is a different shard of Uther from when he was split. In Shadowlands we did NOT reunite the two, we only fixed the part in Shadowlands after it got damaged there. It states nowhere in the entire questline in Shadowlands that we retrieve the part from Azeroth.

  19. i thought the reason Bluther was so confused and i guess "twisted" was because the light coppied/broke him off as a new soul and only took the parts it wanted. Then the Uther that was in frostmorne was just chilling around Azeroth till the sky opened and some shenanigans allowed the two to merge, thus letting Bluther finish his story line.


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