War Within Beta And Remix Weapon Farm Strategy! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #80

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The final frontier of the Mists of Pandaria Remix isn’t maxing out gear, heirlooms or Garrosh shoulders but collecting the many weapon appearances scattered across every zone, dungeon and raid! Here, I’ll show you how to take it on!

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20 thoughts on “War Within Beta And Remix Weapon Farm Strategy! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #80”

  1. Tip for farming raid finder:
    Weapons/gear aren't restricted to a certain boss or wing so choose easier wings with less RP and chaining between different raids to ensure a flow of constant raid finder clears.

  2. I’m having a problem being certain of what sets I have, despite a spreadsheet and the fact I’ve bought all the armor. My addons seem confused about armor that isn’t available to the toon I’m on. Does all the things show if I’ve collected a plate set if I’m on a cloth wearer? Is that what the account wide button is for?

  3. I am sooooooooo damn glad I got all the mounts from the vendor, all of the transmogs I wanted, and most of the weapon transmogs I wanted. So now I can flush this so-called "Fun Event" down the toilet. Tired of the ways to farm bronze and then watch Blizzard nerf it cause they don't like how people play their game. Moving on to something else now.

  4. I prefer the physical collectors edition.. now that blizzard is the ONLY one that sells it, there’s no reason that we are still getting rammed from behind on pre order features like beta access. Ordering another copy of the game to get refunded in bnet balance later is also an unacceptable solution.

  5. Is there a way to remove items from the All The Things list that I am missing? There's a bunch of items I've already got the look from, from another item. So I'd like to remove these from my list. Or at least change the checkmark to completed.

  6. Just too costly to get multiple weapon type classes to heroic raid levels. And you also feel so weak with 346 gear on a new 70, so you're tempted to buy a couple rounds of gear upgrades to make you less dead weight for the group finder cache dailies. I did decide to gear my pally. Figured what I spend on gear, I can quickly make back with doing heroic raids.

  7. Finally, I decided to give the remix a go yesterday. 16h played to 70 with afk and some fooling around so it was super fast but it was fun. I did all campaign quests in jf, valley and kw. Hit 70 in early kun-lai. Did 1 set of group finder activities alkng the way for bronze and threads.
    I have 98k bronze and max cloak achi. Not sure where to go from here but I know I will level up 9 more chars to 70.
    It is fun but very unbalanced. I am happy Blizz is trying these but this event is causing a lot of frustration among players right now. I think they should let go of the balance concerns and let people goof around and have fun a few months.


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