War Within Pre-Patch Event “Radiant Echoes” Overview & REWARDS

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Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhfpJiKNkcY)
Outro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)

Leveling Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34oloGxIZ8)

Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:29 Sponsor
01:33 Release Date
02:05 Radiant Echoes Event
05:25 Leveling
06:36 Currency
08:39 Rewards
12:20 Final Thoughts & Outro


26 thoughts on “War Within Pre-Patch Event “Radiant Echoes” Overview & REWARDS”

  1. What about adding other heirloom gear pieces like boots or a girdle instead of another ring? I guess the community would welcome those new additions so we can have a full set of heirlooms in the future.

  2. Mounts are so underwhelming. BFA got the coolest hippogryph in the game, and DF – badass protodrake. Here we have some crappy reskins of 20-years old models smh.

  3. Why do we have that complex "currency sending between characters" system instead of just true account bound currencies, just one value, same on all chars… none of that sending back and ofrth crap..

  4. 1 mount per faction and a reshade of armor…… does anyone even work inside that big ass building of blizzards anymore? Ffs they get lazier and lazier with copy paste tactics from past devs that gave a fuck

  5. Thanks for the video! I think it's cool, I'll level my remaining 60s with this, which I can't do on remix. Also LOVED the currency being acc.wide and items being in Warband status. Just maybe ilvl could be a bit higher like 500-ish because not sure if we'll have upgrade stuff dropping from these events too, probably not. Other than that, there could be a bit more mounts and the mounts could be azerite recolor of new skeletons, also not sure if it's enough to buy one mount and it's changing when we change faction or we can ride both with any faction. Would be cool if we could use them both like the Time Rift mounts. But overall it has some steps forward, hopefully will work smoothly so we can have fun grinding the rewards and leveling in that small time.

  6. The fact we already know exactly what its gonna look like, have gameplay of it etc is so dumb, these prepatches just have not been excited since they started showing them before they are going to happen.

    I hate how everything is just being spoiled like this with modern WoW, the ptr sucks, datamining sucks, alphas and betas especially suck.

  7. Tejto vlade chyba uz len Cernak ako minister spravodlivosti a Bombic ako minister vnutra 🤣😂 Parodia na vladu tato Ficova squadra. Radsej nech to rozpusti a vyhlasi nove volby…. Jednofarebna vlada by bola lepsia ako tento paskvil kvazi lekarov a infektologov…..

  8. I'm curious….will Timewalker's be able to participate in this event? Like, end our journey early?
    I recently came back, and have enjoyed Timewalking to level and get back up to speed…so most of my characters are there.

  9. I look forward to lose of progress when the game decides to randomly change your shard despite not being grouped…

    Fucking ridiculous that Blizzard hasn't fixed thus at all throughout DF.


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