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Never a dull moment in Warcraft with the Anniversary Direct this week while more events rotate in and out. This week features Comp Stomp and Classic Timewalking on top of the Anniversary events!
Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
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My guild did the BRD raid. Granted we cleared it in 3 weeks and got AOTC the week before.
So I imagine in a week or two the guild will be done till the next raid patch.
Hmm.. does this mean Comp Stomp could be the new easy bronze farm?
I've cleared BRD heroic once, and i WANT to clear it more, but finding groups is impossible
Love these videos mate
We've only touched it as individuals, not as a raid group. None of the Heroic runs I've done have ended well, so it's not been something I've put a lot of time into it.
our guild cleared heroic BRD, now we have no interest in it. There should have been an achievement honestly, also the gear was pretty bad, stat wise
Wow my tip for farming the appearances from the Chromie event made it to the video!
They could have done more to incentivize BRD groups with a mount or some good cosmetics.
Bad tuning left a bad taste in my mouth, so I just run it occasionally on LFR for easy valor and tokens.
The ending was gold, no pun intended 😅
I ran BRD once on LFR and that's it.
Going for some version releasing on xbox 😊
We have been running the LFR version of Blackrock, its not as easy an NP.
The problem with BRD is four fold, it's harder than palace due to tuning, we stomp through heroic in about 90mins, the first boss of BRD took longer than to kill than heroic queen does for us (fight time wise).
Secondly the loot is exceptionally bad. People in my raid team don't want to 'pollute their vault' (an actual phrase thrown around in disc) with it. That's how bad it is. Oh and the mog is terrible.
Thirdly the crests rewarded are the same as heroic, so if you've done a heroic clear on your main and you're caught up you're at cap, so you get nothing.
The stupidity that is the 15 player cap… Flex is perhaps the best thing they ever added to the game, forcing us to cut 7-8 people out of our raid team to do it is just… rude.
So very little interest from our raid team, which is a shame because the fights are actually interesting and fun once the tuning was fixed.
Only did brd on LFR, loot is sub par, way too difficult for gear, not enjoyable in the slightest
I need to level 18 alts, why is the event xp bonus not account wide
I only lfr and BRD can slap some groups. As a healer I find it more fun when it's not auto pilot
Same ilvl but the gear is way worse in BRD lol idk we havent really messed with it.
The ONLY thing that will get me excited for WoW is playable Ogres. Waiting over two decades for the master race is just too damned long.
Heroic BRD is unpopular because it's much harder than Heroic Nerubar Palace even with the previous nerf.
1:54 We got our AOTC, the did heroic Blackrock for fun.
One BRD run then done, no one in my guild runs it anymore. The gear is bad for most classes and it isn't worth the effort past the one run "for the memories" or experience.
Its kinda crazy with brd coming out just a few weeks after the main raid but it was sad to see new content and we had just gotten our AOTC when BRD dropped. One of the large guilds on our server started spouting BRD normal is as hard as mythic queen and that fearmongered our entire guild into saying nope not going to do the new raid. I was able to get into a pug and we breezed through normal up till the last boss…
haven't bothered signed up with BRD, why would i?..
I watched the Orchestra live in Switzerland. Beautiful!
Dude, the Brutosaur song at the end was worth the video. Soo good!
Moonkin Festival was today. Missed it if you blinked! But it was a fun event
I got 85 tokens so far collected with my free trial. This weeks reset should get me to 100 and ready to grind TW dungeons to get everything.
We ran BRD and finished normal and only got through first few bosses on heroic it was harder than nerubar which we have AOTC
They make things too frustrating now. It’s not enjoyable. Add on that that you only get loot once a week if you were lucky enough to get a successful group. This game sucks now