Warcraft NEEDS to bring back this System to the Live Game

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Warcraft NEEDS to bring back this System to the Live Game #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


23 thoughts on “Warcraft NEEDS to bring back this System to the Live Game”

  1. Sadly, blizz will never bring it back. They did not like that people either didn't equip pieces for hours or days while they calculated their stats or that after every boss in raid, it would stop for 20 minutes while everyone who got gear went back to redorge.

  2. Its mad they took reforge out with hit. When hit and haste breaks were a thing, thats all you could really USE it for. Once hit was gone and haste/dot interactions changed, reforging would've given us ACTUAL control over our stats on non bis pieces.

  3. Terrible take. Over complicated system that everyone just used an addon to automatically do for them. That’s why blizz removed it. I don’t want all these special systems, embellishments, borrowed power, etc. Just keep it simple.


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