Was Shadowlands Already Downsized?!

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Has Blizzard already nipped Shadowlands without us knowing? A planned content drought to save 10.0?

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26 thoughts on “Was Shadowlands Already Downsized?!”

  1. It sucks because the Shadowlands story is actually really cool and has a ton of potential, but Sylvanus and the way the new raid ends just ruins it. Also the bullshit gatekeeping and super long progress times do as well.

  2. Shadowlands will end with a reduced 9.2. and don't blame the pandemic. blame systems on systems on systems not just in the game but in their dev pipeline. If they just made fun content they would have be able to do so much more. its all on the devs and bad design.

  3. I feel like many plot elements are rushed are sloppy, and the benefit of the doubt is that content has been cut. For example, the battle for Ardenweald at the start of 9.1 literally took 10-15 minutes start to finish, when it should have been a major event… yet it felt like a quick skirmish, not an actual battle, and we were barely a part of it (might as well have happened off-screen). Compare that to Legion and the buildup and eventual assault on Suramar City, which was a much larger scale and felt way more satisfying in terms of an in-game event.

  4. I believe Shadowlands was already a resigned game by the Preach/Ion interview, listen again to Ion's manner of speech he was talking about Shadowlands like it was already a lost cause oh so willing to escape into another expansion.

  5. It's how the US structures executive compensation, it incentivizes short term profit over long term success even providing a golden parachute for when there is no longer a customer to fleece and profits tank.

  6. Me and several of my friends want to come back but just can't. Maybe some day it will fill OK to . But I do love ff14 and dip in and out of eso so will see for now when I get the wow itch I just say no lol

  7. Planned content drought we have been though this sooo many times and we have never helded them accountable. No People its time to let them sit on the pile of refuse as profits slowly get smaller. We the players have given them our time, patience and hard earned money to get what WOD 2 in Content? No I say, No more! I say we Abandon WOW like they Adandoned WOD and are looking to do so in Shadowlands and make off with easy profits from subs. No, no, no, go play another game cancel your sub to wow. How many more times are we going to let them break our hearts until we wake up with a black eye and a new crappy I am sorry from blizz.

  8. it's been 2 expansions back to back where it's like "oh we buggered this one, better cut content so we can rush to the next to def, 100%, no holds barred, yep, solve it :)". Good joke.

  9. I don't think anything was cut from shadowlands, far more damningly I think Blizzard became so used to lazily not telling a story that they convinced themselves that their failure to complete even the most basic stories was really "intrigue" and "mystery" that was secretly amazing writing.

    They more than likely genuinely thought people would be so enamored with the first ones and what the jailer was planning that people wouldn't notice the dreadlords being made into a race of all powerful plot devices or Sylvanas falling completely apart as a character.

    Most importantly, they seem to be writing WoW as a sandbox game while implementing countless systems to strip any sandbox elements from the experience.

  10. The maw is perhaps the most stupid part of Shadowlands… Too many directions. No one knows where to start or go. It feels like an expansion without any purpose.

  11. I think 9.1 they had other plans but seeing how things were slowed down they just pushed what was suppose to be 9.2 ahead and rushed the story ahead faster. I have a feeling the original version of 9.1 was suppose to be focused around the sigils having the two patches more so fused together to create what 9.1 was.

    I'm pretty convinced next patch will be the final patch as they try and rush to the next expansion.

  12. Yoshi P has just finished up a 32 hour tour, with FFXIV Streamers and Tubers. Ion was offered the same by the Blizzard PR team, and was told where to catch the bus ( the one full of lawyers that went off a cliff ), BUT Ion was too busy looking for Booby Kotex's Limo, and totally missed the Bus.

  13. The only hope left for wow is the shareholders, when they have to explain in JAN or FEB when they can’t bullshit anymore . When they have to face the shareholders and try to explain it wasn’t their fault they blew up a billion dollar IP , it was asmondgold and the payers fault …… blizzard can’t internally fix itself . The leadership pretty much needs to all go , they need a realm reborn . My guess is their going to try and pull an Everquest , do a wow 2 , and close doors shortly after like Everquest …… wish it weren’t so but ….

  14. Who cares, FF14 is fun. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if I'll be back and if I do 10.0 better be a monster expansion. I've gotten so into FF14 lately that it broke me free of the Copium feelings.


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