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#arena #pvp #Nahj #shadowlands
gz on r1
Like a G…6
You/xar/gekz are who I'm hoping to see when I peep streams.
Do you want to be a real pal, and make a guide on how the hell to counter rogue mage ? You guys drive me nuts as a ww monk. Like just stand there and let me beat your a$$ 🤣
Cdew sam and trill took over lol.
Nahj! You guys are crazy good! (Better than pika) xD no hate
Is that sArena he is using?
Who’s better, you or pikaboo? 👀
wtf is that countdown lol, 3 2 1 in like half a second
Nice! I wish I knew what you guys are doing here , but it looks like black magic for me.
What happend with Paladin's health at 3:32?
36.6k word of pog
What addons do you use to remove the taps from the action bar please
congrats mate, ur owning
bad ass nahj! gz !
Gj dude and gz!
How are you able to see your teammates casting bars near their frames
awesome transmog for a rogue