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The long anticipated sequel to ‘you’re out of the guild’ is here. Except this time blizzard has made so many mistakes the entire guild is quitting warcraft.
This was awesome! (Long time fan.)
I saw the crown of wills and was like…..yeah nah that's the final straw I'm out lol
Solidarity 2988
YESSSS!!!! After the other two guild video's I was hoping for another!
Btw final fantasy 14 is not ending only the big 11 year story arc.the devs have confirmed they is atlest another 10 years.
FF isn't ending. Where you guys getting your info? The current story arc is ending, not the game, geesz.
Lost Ark is coming strong 2022. Bye Blizzard.
Tit milk and very loud yelling and a bad company.
The best smoothie.
This is firee
The nostalgia.
Thank you Boogie, but it's January.
Even Carbots left.
Wow is dead?
Come play Oldschool Runescape. XD
We join back to the guild 2022/2023 edition
couldn't endure 20 seconds of this horror of a video
Lich king was the best expansion. The only one that wasn't boring. How dare you
Lmao to hire people that don’t steal titty milk. Sad but true
Cartman you are quitting the game
I think Francis would either be a big Roegadyn man in FF14 or a cute cat girl
This dude's fake teeth are way too big. It always looks like he's wearing a mouth guard.
Funny how the narrative has changed once Microsoft acquired them. Makes you wonder was it all black and white or one company devouring the other in a smart way as it's all about money and never about people any way?
You should do Francis videos again to help you with your current blues. Channel that negative energy into this kind of comedy.
I quit WoW 4 yrs ago. I'm happier now
I swore i wouldnt pay blizzard another cent at the end of legion. It sucks that blizzard went so low, i used to love vanilla and tbc. Feelsbadman
Even a year later we all know somehow someway Tom had something to do with this
I love Francis but only before boogie got his teeth fixed… Just hits the ear wrong… I wanna see Francis rage on hardcore classic, could be gold lol