We Just Got A BUNCH Of New Details On Season Of Discovery | World of Warcraft

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All right it looks like we got even more season of discovery! More Hunter changes, waylaid Supply changes, a huge swing at DPS charts in Black fathom deeps, and so much more!
Thank you guys so much for supporting the channel throughout playing season of Discovery so far, we truly appreciate it! the comeback kids are trying their hardest to bring you all the best news on YouTube, so we truly appreciate all the love and support.
Phase two of season of Discovery is right around the corner! so let’s get to it!


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00:00 – Intro
00:21 – Hunter Nerfs Again?
02:35 – Waylaid Supplies Changes
04:30 – No Chance at New Race/Class Combos
05:35 – MASSIVE Raid Log Changes!!!!
07:50 – Unbalanced PvP Lol?
09:00 – YOUR Top Comments!


50 thoughts on “We Just Got A BUNCH Of New Details On Season Of Discovery | World of Warcraft”

  1. The issue i see with QoL changes is that the inconveniece is PART OF CLASSIC. Not to say SOME changes is in place but this is something that flies under the radar as i think this Question plays a bigger part in what makes classic classic.

  2. The PvP system is lame, you can geht Rank 3 in a few houwers and revered in a few days -.- nothing mutch to do now. Of you reverdet you dont even get Rep from Event. It realy lame and war boring 3-4 days into max lvl. Why do they lock all PvP ranks? Only think top do now is geting WSG Rep on exalted and w8 for id -.-

  3. Can we talk about Combo Points for Feral and Rogues being a player buff instead of target and Rage Generation for Bear/Warrior Tanks. These are QoL improvements that should have be reworked to modern wow because it just makes sense, not mentioning it makes these specs more fun to play.

  4. I think the hunter nerfs have been warranted. Their numbers were too good. Honestly the BM package could probably stay as is and let some competing runes get buffs. Carve, Lone Wolf, Flanking Strike, Chimera Shot, maybe even Explosive Shot.

  5. So, here are my changes I'd like to see for 40.

    Priest: Bring back a version of holy priest dps. Make like a rune that either allows their holy spells the ability to scale off spirit, bring Chastice back (scales off smite talents) or something as a pure holy caster dps has never been mainline, but gimmicky (like tbc smite priests were actually better dps than shadow, but shadow had the utility but the dps part of smite was actually not intended as shown by the DPS tier pieces.) Maybe one rune slot would be able to go between Chastice for damage or atonement for healing. But in this I'd say don't make atonement like current or former atonement worked, make it so that it only heals targets with weakened soul. and then another option for serenity(single target) or sanctuary (AoE HoT) to pure heal. All same slot so they couldn't do all 3 at the same time. The only change I want for shadow is it doesn't need more damage if it has more utility, like bringing healing and mana regen for party. ITs damage can stay low so long as it brings the utility.

    Druid: Fury of stormrage proc needs to do either instant cast HT OR instant cast Starfire. That way it can be useful for dps other than just 'mana free wrath'. Or hey, Dream of Cenarius would be neat (WoD where wrath was mana free, and did a smart heal based on its damage which would make it useful as a healing rune or as a DPS who supplements healing)

    Shaman: Make it so rockbiter doesn't do extra threat UNLESS way of earth is on. There's too many enhance shammy who are out threating tanks because they simply need rockbiter on for Shamanistic rage to heal enough mana while not topping damage meters. Also, need better ways to get mana back as ooming is a real problem.

    hunter: Melee:: Flanking strike and raptor strike have odd synergy. There's no way to get 3 stacks of mongoose fury because of how long flanking strike's CD is and how Raptor works. So my proposals. raptor strike needs to have a higher percent chance to reset flanking strike. Flanking strike needs to be on a shorter CD, the damage bonus of mongoose fury needs to be increased or duration longer. Carve needs to have its 'more damage for every target' component back so it can truly shine in AoE. Raptor strike really has little use being 'next hit' should just be an instant strike. Also, we need a way to kinda force hunters to be 'two handed' dps as right now there's a strong lack of classes that are meant to two hand. too many dual wielders. Tank: Why aren't we getting hunter body tanking? (another glitchy but fun thing to do in TBC) I think the easiest way to have it implemented is a tanking style that makes you and your pet share tank where flanking strike switches who has aggro, and whichever one doesn't have aggro takes 30% of the damage off of the other so basically it's 2 tanks sharing the burden. I honestly don't' think they'll ever do it, but it would be fun to try.

  6. Is the market crashing due to the high supply because of bots, or because people can't do any more quests to get the reward money? There are quite a few gold sinks if you think about it. Its probably a mix of both.

  7. I will say on the botting ingame, I logged in to 25 confirmed reports on Wednesday so they’re def trying!

    As usual love your videos!! Great vibes, great information. Will continue to catch as many as I can! 💪🏻

  8. agree on WSG premade thing. as for other pvp, i like that it's not balanced. i want to whopp some @$$ not becaue i'm super skilled but because i have better gear or my class counters enemy. and i dont mind my @$$ being whooped in the same manner. if i wanted perfect balance, i'd go back to retail, where pvp is nothing but sweat, and no one plays for fun anymore.,

  9. dual spec has to come. like absolutely a must. it's also sad that they wont want to give shamans and paladins to other faction. this would be dope. it's actually necessary. OR they give blood lust rune to shamans, but dont give heroism to alliance. but this wont happen. they already gave alliance windfury cause else, no one would play alliance, they would be behind on all raids. perhaps we can get bubble to shamans to cover up for paladins

  10. one more thing i want to add in regards of paladins and shamans not being on each faction. initially paladin's seal of command was working as sort of Wind fury from shamans. except it was only for paladin him self and not entire group, like shaman's windfury totem. But now that druids have wind fury, what happens with paladins….. seal of command is an aura. druid's windfury is a weapon enchant/oitment. so now paladins have seal of command, that procs of auto attack and wind fury that procs of auto attack. and wind fury pro being another auto attack… does that mean seal of command can proc of wind fury proc…? has anyone tested that? but even if it's not, having seal of command and windfury on at the same time is OP. but shamans can't have 2 wind fury buffs up in a similar manner. they can have only 1, because druid WF and Shaman WF are both weapon enchants and not an aura like seal of command. AND with druids having WF, what is shaman's specialty….

  11. You got confirmation from player beein banned when you report them?

    i reported atleast 100 now in the barrens, probably more.

    and i got not a single report that those players are beeing banned, neither do my friends.
    The botting problem in SOD is absolutly insanely bad.


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