Weekly Vault & Drama | Decent Vault | "Shadowlands Was Better than Dragonflight" | EP06

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

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9 thoughts on “Weekly Vault & Drama | Decent Vault | "Shadowlands Was Better than Dragonflight" | EP06”

  1. I tend to take every expansion on its own. yes some comparisons can be made but they are separate expansions for a reason. I think Shadowlands was fine. I think Dragonflight so far is fine. It will all boil down to personal preference and how salty a person is. imo

  2. I do not care about this video. I just want to say you're doing an amazing job pal. WoW player since 2007 and WoW content consumer for basically the same and your channnel is top3 in my All-time list. Please keep it coming!!! Cheers 🙏

  3. SF Outdoor content was, after reaching max renown, farming awfull pact locked rares, treasures and quests for a resource you could trade in for yet another recolor of the pact set. Or you could farm for ever and ever as Necrolord for the stiching thing that took for ever.

  4. a lot of worse things than you key getting pushed 1 level down. also as new player in shadowlands it was awful very hard to try out new classes cause you had to do all the farming of legendaries and renown than if you wanted to try new spec you had to restart the grind


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