Well, World of Warcraft Is Back…

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Following Blizzcon and the recent news, the excitement around World of Warcraft is very high…

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49 thoughts on “Well, World of Warcraft Is Back…”

  1. dont know who you are, dont care, got reccomended this video, i played since DF and think you dont deserve any happiness for "coming back" to a game you deserted for reasons that are your own, they don't owe you anything, and you will easily leave again. im judging you and and if i ever do the same feel free to judge me too, (i wont.)

  2. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Surgery is never fun. I’m actually so excited about the news from blizzcon. It actually seems like the studio has changed now. Excited for wows future

  3. As soon as I saw the SOD news I called my brother, he hadn’t seen it yet. I told him about it and we were so hype. Really did feel like it was 20 years ago. Love it

  4. How is Blizzard selling you 3 major patches as 3 different expansions being wow is back? wow is back in the gutter XD, I could get behind season of mastery since at least they don't require you to pay any extra to play it but also someone can very well argue that the idea of season of mastery is stolen from private servers specifically Ascension – WoW. In my opinion nothing ground breaking was announced in this blizzcon really just a cool trailer and more expansions that are probably gonna follow the standard blizzard recipe of the next being worse than the previous.

  5. Never seen you before bro. You got me excited with your enthusiasm. I hope whatever you're going thru, you won't have to for much longer. For me, I think WoW is back. I really hope it is and can't wait to see what happens. I have high hopes for it. 💪You got a new sub and a like. Have a blessed one.

  6. glad to hear u can feel this about wow will defo watch ur content of wow but i cant play it anymore sadly not even the memories or friends playing will bring me back :/ glad to see u doing gd take care bro.

  7. Hope you're doing good brother! I'm just glad to see you excited. YOU made me excited bro. That's how much energy you could feel in this video. Now how do I play?! LOL – Is it Classic +? Or w.e it's called people are excited for? Or the new expansion? Will it be easy to come back as an old player? Just for PVP?

  8. i dunno if you remember me or not, but we've played a bit together. Happy to see you and other creatures excited about it.
    I think you nailed it talking about the messages from friends and the boys hitting up on discord about it. I feel this 100%. I've got 4 brothers, and we're all talking daily about what we're going to play on our first run. The youngest brother never got to play WoW in its prime, so would be amazing to make those memories now.

  9. You hit it right on the head man. I resonate with everything you're saying completely. This is such an exciting breath of life, and a hopeful direction. "We're back, man. We're back"

  10. As a player of WoW since early 2005 (I’m 31 now). It’s honestly the only game I go back to time and time again. Maybe it’s nostalgia? Maybe it’s just something I’m comfortable with and used to? Idk. The truth is there is an insane amount of content and things to do in WoW because it’s been around so long. I typically just level alts or run old content for transmog and it’s great. I have played hundreds of other games but WoW is always what I go back to.

  11. i rly don't get the hype behind season of discovery… like, listen to me 2 seconds…

    people quit retail for a bunch of reason, one of the ones i heard alot is
    "classes don't feel unique, everyone has everything, and there is too many spells" now, we getting.. retail spells in classic, and people are cheering ? sounds to me like everyone is just delusional.

    oh, and before u flame me, i am not in this category, i like the idea, and in fact, i love retail, my problem? i hate people, and how trends make something look better or worse than it actually is.

    Retail is good, season of discovery sounds like a private server ascension dream (sounds fun to try, but the fact that people who quit retail are going for discovery leaves me confused, and baffled).


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