What a week for Cataclysm – Disc and Resto fixed, quicker tier gear and more!

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What a week for Cataclysm – Disc and Resto fixed, quicker tier gear and more!

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27 thoughts on “What a week for Cataclysm – Disc and Resto fixed, quicker tier gear and more!”

  1. yeah the BH lockout thing is nice. give ppl more access to pvp. the couple pieces that you can get from there aren’t going to make it too easy to get pvp so is just a nice quality of life thing for pvp.

  2. When it comes to what class/spec I play is based on how much fun I'm having with that class and spec, back then I always played a survival hunter now I'm a di because I never played one back then

  3. arena is bull shit resi must be fixed paladins hits 90k with one skill. ferals are broken warrior is cookycutter. healing comps are having very hard time we need dmg fix or resi up for arenas.

  4. Conclave bug happened to me first lockout… soon as you kill the boss it pops up as if you have joined a raid that's already saved and asks you to confirm box pops up. Body isn't clickable at all and zoning or resetting had no affect (I'd shown as saved in raid log also)

  5. The amount of bugs is insane atm. We were progressing ascendant council and sometimes the fire guy does not leave fire.
    Hunter pets still sometimes disappear from ui.
    Also the whole thing with Explo shot roll over.
    Its just sad

  6. All this "bug fixes" are bullshit
    You can't see your health, you can't link abilities from book still. And they fix unnecessary shit like visual effects on DM boss.


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