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Professions will be changing quite a bit, and legendary crafting will definitely make a big impact on which professions make the most gold.
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So legendaries will be BoP? If you want one, you'll be forced to have the profession that makes your gear in that specific character?
Multiboxers need to be banned
Fingers crossed I can get the next goldsink Mount lol
Does this mean i can upgrade the iLevel of darkmoon card decks?
Gonna stick with double gathering.
Are there still enchants for faster mining and herbing? And stirrups from blacksmithing to stay mounted while gathering?
If so im going to level 50-60 just from gathering
Awesome video, thanks!
I thought to upgrade from Legendary Rank 1 to Legendary Rank 2 you'd just need the soul ash, not rebuilding the legendaries? Might be incorrect.
what professions are you going to be running on your warlock ?
Those gold tokens gonna sell like hot cakes, this will only get worse
Bfa 2.0 shitlands here we go!
Hey, I'm going to try out WoW when Shadowlands comes out. What professions would you recommend for a first time player?
But where is the point from blizzard that u need to craft the legendary base item to upgrade it like, lets say, 50 times – then on your server 1000 other tailors want to upgrade it and craft also 50 pieces. Who the fuck would need 50.000 pieces of that item? maybe 20% will be bought of that lol
Hi there. If i want to switch to enchanting in shadowland do i need to skill everything up to available now or can i start upon release with zero pre-skills. Thank you very much
As a returning player my eyes are older and maybe raiding 6 to 10 times a week on multiple alts is not workable anymore. I always have enjoyed professions and with 16 alts on 2 connected servers many with fully leveled professions, Shadownlands may be perfect!
there's little sense to do this now right? im a newcomer when it comes to professions inbtwn expansion changes.
bad news for me. in all mmorpg played since ragnarok 1, i hated any type of professions or crafting. they bore me to death like watching baseball or golf. i just wanna kill things to earm gold n buy what i want. preordering SL was a mistake. very sad news, such a boring system.
You dont need to level up your twink to skill a profession? So i can farm herbs with my main and send all to my 50 twink to craft and i wont miss anything?
Make engineering goggles usable for everyone!
isn't it best to have herb/skinning or mining/skinning rather than herb/mining because you can't track both nodes together? or did that change?