What BROKE The Shadowlands? I WAS WRONG… WoW 'DEVELOPER' Interview

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Steve Danuser lead narrative developer for World of Warcraft Shadowlands recently did an interview where he discussed the breaking of WoW Shadowlands, the story of Shadowlands and how the scourge, Lich King and Uther plays into the bigger story of WoW Slands.

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Video Chapters:
0:00 – Intro
1:45 – The Mogu and their Anima
2:41 – Dying in Shadowlands
3:30 – Uther and Arthas
4:41 – Future zones
6:50 – Time skip?
9:23 – The Forsakens fate (theory broken)
11:21 – Why did the Arbiter break?
11:57 – Speculation about Why the Arbiter broke
15:55 – Death had an influnce on Azeroth
16:34 – Questions about Maldraxxus
16:57 – Ner’zhul and the Jailor
17:58 – What happens to the Memories of those brought back
19:08 – The Light in Revendreth
19:39 – Can anima be extracted from the living?
20:36 – Is Sylvanas breaking the helm the only way in to SL?
21:08 – The Conclusion

Harris Heller – Blue Yellow Sky
Harris Heller – Simple Beauty
Harris Heller – Because you Asked
Harris Heller – Dim Lights
Harris Heller – Mr. Melatonin


42 thoughts on “What BROKE The Shadowlands? I WAS WRONG… WoW 'DEVELOPER' Interview”

  1. Alot of people seem to be going down the route that we will get a redemption reunion story with Arthas but I was wondering what do u think are the chances we see a double switch and Arthas is one of the "ALLIES" that are have been alluded to the Jailor having.

  2. I'd say the reason that sylvanas went straight to the maw is because she committed suicide. Notice how she is against 'hope' ever since she got ressurected the first time by the val'kyr. Suicide is the ultimate expression of having no more hope. If a soul has lost all hope I think their souls won't contain any anima, at least not for anyone except the jailer and therefore would go instantly to the maw.

  3. 14:41.. its not odens tourter chamber. ITS ODENS PERSONAL REALM! Just like when old gods die they go back to their realm and can only be killed once and for all in their own reals, oden was creating his own sphere in the cosmological map. so basically add Heilheim as a sphere next to the shadowlands

  4. I like to imagine helya just-

    Appeared before the Arbiter to be judged, and Helya just backhanded her with the almighty power of her pimp slaps. Thus, the Arbiter couldn't handle that level of power and went offline. This is my theory.

  5. Side questions: If Lich King makes Death Knights and Valkier make Forsaken: What is Sylvanas or Arthas when he made her? Who is alive or dead? Are you a re – animated corpse or simply put back in your body? Seems like both Sylvanas / Arthas and DK's / Forsaken are very close relatives in necromancy and should have either more power or be more weak in the land of death???

  6. The king of ravens will turn the key. Are u saying odyn turned the key when he sent us to kill helya in trial of valor. Because the soul cage was broken she ended up in the maw and arbiter went afk

  7. @Accolonn you say there is no time in the shadowlands and they dont use but in the Bastion Afterlives the sentinel talking with Devos says some souls take aeons to ascend. It might not be front and center but they are aware of time.

  8. With sylvannas being sent to the maw, is it possible that her “soul” has always in fact been irredeemable? Her actions had not shown it at the time. But could you argue that the soul itself was always tainted and bad? The same soul did the actions she has done now, which we would all agree would be worthy of being sent to the maw. Maybe the arbiter can see beyond simply the actions of a persons life when judging them.

    Also, Helya being so tainted that she broke the Arbiter doesn’t sit right with me. The arbiter would have seen countless horrible souls throughout all her time. I think it was more of a direct action taken against her specifically, thus a cinematic is needed to show it. We just don’t know what it would be yet. Perhaps someone in Oribos is in league with the Jailer as well and shut her down.

  9. Blood anima its blood. Look at the dungeons that use our blood as something that attacks us. The fact that animous the pet and blood boil shares the same skin. Blood boil wants to stick itself to you for some reason. And animous is noted to stink like rotten dead. Like aged blood.

    Also Sylvanis dies what does she get struck by. Saronite. Who's attached to saronite

  10. About "timeskip" while we will not spent many years in shadowlands some zones weren't touched since end of 2010(cata release). I think that 10 years is long enough to make changes.

  11. Just my theory. The sword broke death. Why? Because Azeroth is the jailers soul half (we know he is coming for “what is his” “the soul of this world”). The trap for the jailer was breaking his soul in two and trapping the good half in Azeroth (similar to what happened with uther). So my theory is when the sword pierced Azeroth it let a little of her power out and this gave the jailer the power to break free. Is there a reason why it had to have happened before the sword?

  12. If my theory is correct, that the machinery of Death was broken the moment Uther cast Arthas directly into the Maw; Sylvanas going straight there when she jumped from Icecrown holds, since it would have happened moments after that event.

    I would suspect this created a gradually increasing ripple effect among the various Shadowlands zones, as more souls were getting pulled straight into the Maw.

  13. So the ressurected lose their memories of the Shadowlands, but do they remember SL when they die again? Do they go back to their covenant or do they change covenant based on their second life?

    Also imagine going to Bastion, forsaking your past and forgetting everything to become a Kyrian. Then once you become Kyrian, you get revived which means you start remembering everything (regarding your life) again and transforming back to what you were before. Kinda fucks with your mind.

  14. grins i told you the River was coming…. end of the expansion, a new river will run thru the whole shadowlands, connecting all the zones so they can all sustain themselves via minimum anima out of the river.
    (in reguards to 'the shadowlands can create another afterlife if it needs one)
    and i dont trust the brokers….they are hiding things…(maybe even their true forms. listen to the area around them with music off, see if there are strange sounds around them…i havent had beta so i dont know but i suspect there might be odd noises around them if you listen carefuly)

  15. Very interesting new insights here. Still, I find it hard to look passed the afterlife being a comprehensible construct, an infinite realm filled with 'human/mortal' notions like politics and war. My only justification would be the gods enjoying watching mortals (people are in theory still mortal in the Shadowlands as 'death is permanent there') 'play' with each other, whether that be by nurturing them (Ardenweald), torture them (Revendreth), conspire against them (Maldraxxus), and inspire/radicalise them (Bastion). That would (as a lover of Lovecraftian lore) make the most sense, which makes the Shadowlands catastrophically sinister, as all existence, a curse.

    And, in regards to Sylvanas, I think she'll get a redemption arch, or the 'hero's tragedy' ending. But I think that's stupid. Post casting herself from Icecrown Citadel (which, until that point, did indeed have her be 'redeemable'), she commits two genocides and attempts to conqeur and enslave. She is far from redeemable now, if one really considers the weight of slaughtering masses because of an ideology (Nazis, as an example). BUT, I don't think that matters, because if what she said in Reckoning was right "If you can see yourselves as I see you, toy soldiers in tin plate, beasts who howl for honour, standing as one. Savour it. Nothing lasts," then everything any player has ever felt towards any culture, Creed or notion on mortal Azeroth has meant nothing, because it ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of the cosmos, because Sylvanas knows the truth of existence and morality, that it's valueless and has no influence on the future.

    Lastly, I wonder what the news that returns from the Shadowlands would mean to society. "By the way, your gods and what you think they are have been proved false. You go to an infinite realm of politics, war, gardening and radicalisation where you have zero power to oppose or reason with your far greater lords, the gods." Would people be okay with that? Will they crumble? What happens to world religions, society, culture?

  16. Sylvanas' fate: (I'll put money on this) A new realm is formed in the In Between (Inbetween?) with Sylvanas as it's leader. It's a place of heroes rest; the afterlife they deserve.

  17. 9:30 – there’s a difference between being raised into undeath and the soul being shattered by Frostmorne and then raised? Utter vs Sylvanas – he was saved (in part) by the Light and she wasn’t.

  18. Nah i think it was xavius's soul that disabled the arbiter, the cutscene in shadows has his distinctive red glow to it. Also playing through shadowlands you learn both Ysera & Ursoc were sorted by the arbiter and arrive just before the draught happened. The nightmare appears in ardenweld. There's a questline in bastion about the void invading the shadowlands in the past.

    IMO, I reckon it's a plot by the void. To what ends who knows.


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