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Tanking is an incredible role to play, and it looks just as good in Shadowlands. Which tank, though? Hopefully this video can help.
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its great of bellular saying guardian will be useless , so many will reroll from druid to other classes… a nice way to make people play something else lol
Gif duel wield prot warrior T___T Also PS I disagree about rune tap I think its exactly what blood needs, it will be very useful to prevent you just falling over apon entering a pack of mobs which can definitely happen as blood.
Vengeance is so fun. I'm debating playing one still.
Prot paladin or vengence Dh?:P I can’t decide
As a brm I'm disappointed to lose ironskin, feels like blizzard wants to make most specs 'easier' and by that boring. I loved managing my brews.
Ahh warriors always kind of meh but never bad enough to require changes lol
Gonna miss all my dps from TD 😭
Bear is quite bad, sadly. Although once you finally are allowed to gear 2 legendaries, or hopefully 3, the good old legion tank druid will be back.
Monk changes are really nice, imo. I think it's gonna still be the most powerful tank in raids.
imho I think the last few years have seen so many failed changes and inbalances because Blizzard is listening "too much" to the public. The days of buffs/nerfs were alot easier to manage and gave alot more variety to the game. Now Blizzard turns to the community to develop the game for them and then just a short while later realizes that it didnt work and then change things totally. Its a shitshow tbh and a joke how often skills/talents get changed and shuffled because they have no clue what they doing and depending on the players to drive the game forward. We are already doing Blizzard's QA for them on the PTR. Lower subscription costs if you want your customers to do your work for you. I was seriously hyped for SL as it seemed very promising but that hype is fading fast. Yet after 15+ years im still playing WoW like the fool I am. Its just sad seeing them flushing everything they built back then down the toilet. ALL that Blizzard has going for them atm is a somewhat good asset design department. The game still :looks" beautifull. But thats it. No imagination, no logic, no common sense, no analytics insights, no customer care, no quality. And I was going to work for them at some point. Dodged a bullet there thankfully.
So they changed Brewmaster gameplay to be more inline with something cuphead ‘games journalists’ can manage. Got it…🙄
The commentary on Guardian is perfectly accurate and why I stopped playing mine after Legion. It's such a shame that the same criticisms are still there an entire expac later.
brews not special eny more might as well be a bear. in 5 years we will have 3 buttons on our hot bar. stop dumbing all the classes down.
So warrior if you are a good player, and paladin if you are a bit slow in the head.
Just…. PLEASE…. MAKE SHAMAN TANKS…. Or at least ONE more Mail Class….. compared to the 7 Leathers, 5 cloth and Plates…. just 2/3 versions of mail just isn't enough (healing).
Prot palidan vs demon hunter undecided.
I am new to wow only got the game and subscription last week. i was doing quests but they are boring i want to talk to other people how do i join other players in the game like a clan so they can show me the ropes?
can i have a pen please i never win anything lol it sucks
Is this gonna be updated closer to launch?
oculus quest
TBH I can't stand the holy power system for pallies. Leave combo points for rogues and feral druids.
4:16 I can think of a few reasons not to play Blood.
Their slow. If you need to catch a mob or get to a caster and your death grip is down, it'll be a lot harder than any of the other tanks.
They have a slow play style. Blood feels very slow if you don't have an incredible amount of haste to compensate for the slow rune regeneration. Death Strike also costs a lot, which means you don't get many uses of it.
You always feel like you're about to die. I personally feel like Blood is the one tanking spec that has the hardest time staying alive. You always feel like you're just about to die, and have to scramble to get enough runic power to get a Death Strike off. When you do, it only seems to heal you for 15% of your health. By the time you get enough runic power for another Death Strike, you're back where you were before.. Scrambling to stay alive. Blood is the one spec that requires you to use all of your longer CD abilities in order to just stay alive. You have to use all your CD's, because just using your normal abilities won't do the trick.
so basically Prot warrior got nerfed hard with just the talents alone….. real hard facts tho blood DK is gonna be the best tank(extra utilies/moves)
My grizzly bear 🐻 at 100ilvl is basically immortal in prepatch