What EXACTLY is the PURPOSE of the Shadowlands ??? SPOILER, Its NOT what you think …

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In World of Warcraft Shadowlands we hear so often about the Purpose, what if I told you it is not what you think?

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47 thoughts on “What EXACTLY is the PURPOSE of the Shadowlands ??? SPOILER, Its NOT what you think …”

  1. The "Purpose" is literally their programming in the game… they are becoming aware that they are in a video game/story. Sylvanas is breaking the 4th wall, and coming to hang out in our reality.

  2. the way you describe the Purpose sounds like Destiny to me. Your whole life was planned out by someone or something, everything you say, do, think, feel was decided for you…scary shit

    and if the Purpose is a living thing it would make sense to me that they are talking about the Arbiter. She's all present all wise, they all serve her and exist because of her ( I'm talking about the beings of Oribos, not all beings ).

    i think its just a bs story so they would have full control over their people. as in some religions, don't question it just follow..

  3. I have a theory. as in the orthodox religion we have god in the middle and on the right – left Son and Saint Mary yes? So Azeroth is the God, Son is the Arbitrer like in religion comes in the end and judge us all correct? Saint Mary is the Emerand Dream wich we dont discuss for now. And the Antihrist is the Jailor who wants to distroy the kingdom of God, to distroy this Control this entity. In religion we have good and evil look on this Order-Disorder, Life and Death, Light and Void we have the 6 seats.

  4. IF you go talk to Tal-Inara in the enclave they say Your Purpose and ours are entwined it seems. That doesn't sound like it's an actual being but more like an ideology or Destiny

  5. before you can guess at what the purpose of the shadowlands is you have to first think what would happen to souls without the shadowlands. Would they go to the powers they served in life, as an example, would Uther have gone to the light if the shadowlands didn't exist? If something similar to this were the case then the purpose of the shadowlands could be depriving the other realms of souls, anima, and power. Basically making it a way to leech power from them to keep them weak enough that they can't change things

  6. I feel like the Purpose is instructions left by whoever ordered the shadowlands and put the current eternal ones there in charge, before leaving, or being killed (by the jailer?) just looking at that text you have onscreen it mentions 'balance', 'the path' and the 'cycle of all beings'. Could this be a First one who oversees the 3 cosmic powers on the left of the chart? Light, Order, Life.
    Who knows, I'm loving the mystery and speculation coming out of this expac 😀

  7. God's have capitalized names too. Now is it a figurative god or a real entity. Since this is WoW, a fantasy game, I think you are on to something whether it's a god or not.

  8. I think that the purpose links to the different forces, existing to keep them in balance. If one force becomes too strong, the purpose is there to regulate that by distributing souls to the right realm within the Shadowlands. The Arbiter is the instrument for that redistribution.

  9. IN a way, it almost sounds like Piers Anthony's second Xanth book: The Source of Magic. A cosmic demon is the source of all of Xanth's magic, but he's stuck on Xanth to pay a penalty for thousands of years due to some cosmic demon game. What if this first one is both the source and the devourer of anima, which is life, life that seems to be recycled from the Shadowlands by to newly created life in the living universe, perhaps? An endless cycling of anima, and an endless cycling of life, and the Jailer wants to break the cycle to be free of the first one's fate-like (Purpose) control of all life? And of course it would be easy to convince Sylvanas of this. Azeroth "This World" is a prison, according to her. Why? Because she has no sayso on life OR death. Why? This first one does. What if there are multiple universes, each under the control of a first one?

    Far fetched and probably not what it is all about, just a random thought that came into my head as I watched the video. Maybe it is something like this, however, though not the exact same thing. Thank you, Accolonn, for all the great lore you highlight!

  10. Sylvanas talks about no free will and everything decision being made for us = Purpose. What if Jailers and Sylvs goal is to destroy the purpose with the tiwst being that sylv wants free will but jailer actually want to become this "Purpose" himself.

  11. Isn’t there a side quest chain from a broker in Maldraxxus where we help them get into the Sepulcher of Knowledge in Maldraxxus and the broker takes everything inside?

  12. This is my opinion so far of the whole game, shadowlands/oroboros seems new and not natural like that zone it and of it self is a newer afterlife created BY these 5 eternal ones for there own enjoyment. Sylvanis is in my opinion correct and should brake this system that’s unfair but the ones she allied with are not good at the same time for her to recreate she needed an Ally like him…. it’s like ARTHUS he did everything right BUT was guided and forced to make bad choices till he lost sight of who he was and what he sacrificed for….

  13. It’s warcraft God.

    So the warcraft devil must be zovaal.

    What if the sepulcher is the black sphere in the arbiter’s body? Or maybe the sepulcher is a key and to get to the purpose?

  14. a slight correction. the 1000 souls per day are to power the astronomicon, effectively a psychic lighthouse that allows humanity to safely warp travel. the souls are spent because the god emperor is effectively dead and cant power it himself.

  15. The Arbiter's room felt more like a graveyard (even more credence to IT being the Sepulcher). The many portals reminded me of tombstones.
    On another note, though, also had another thought that maybe The Great Beyond is The Sepulcher as a result of Sargeras culling The Universe. Many dead worlds by his hand. Each world a tomb to its previous inhabitants?

  16. I don't think the purpose is an entity we can interact with. The purpose is the universe, and we're like the cells to it's body. Oribos is a play on words to the RL Ouroboros which is used as a symbol to represent death and renewal, or some speculate we are actually within a womb of sorts.

  17. The Emperor of Man. He requires the sacrifice of psykers (not sure how to spell) who are psychic beings and their sacrifice is used as fuel for the Emperor of Man to keep the "lighthouse" turned on which allows the Empyrium to keep up their intergalactic travels and basically keeps the Empyrium going and connected.

  18. The Infinite Cycle must end. – Amon
    Sylvanas is Kerrigan. Kerrogan was changed from Human to zerg's Queen of Blades, to human again to primal zerg and all zerg Queen and at the end for redemtion arc into a xel'naga.

    Sylvanas was a night elf change to a banshee, then to a banshee Queen, then to forsaken, then she killed herself again, and then to warchief and now we clearly see her changed again.

    Like I saidin my other comment at the video. Zovaal is Amon, Denathrius was Narud, Winter Queen or Elune will be something like Ouros giving some cosmic power to Sylvanas to kill Zovaal, Anduin is Artanis or Jim, more like Artanis. And from all heroes why Sylvanas would be chosen and not others? I say, because she was the one that broke the Helm and the Veil.

    Then Sylvanas would be an Eternal One carrying for the Shadowlands. She will not disappear from the game, until we will need her power to fight a void lord.


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