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Welcome to MarcelianOnline! In today’s video, we’re diving into a hot topic: What Happened to Healing in WoW? We’ll be discussing the gameplay, changes, the impact, and our thoughts on the current state of healing in World of Warcraft as well as what Blizzard can do to fix 10.2 healing moving forward.
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The WoW Hero Talents Situation👀
Fury vs Arms: 10.2.5 DPS Comparison👀
healing hasn't changed lol it use to be heart pumping adrenalin but now its like meh bosses will be nerft so everyone can finish the content it doesn't matter. healing Ui also hasn't changed like the addons healbot and voodo " well i dont use any healing addons to heal" some players might say lol but its just better programing key inputs into healbot and voodo to heal faster and not only can you use it to heal it can be used to dps/ decurse / dispell/ rez all the things into one click. Anyways its not fun watching health bars that hasnt changed in years it would be nice to look at the boss, mechanics also we stare at DBM timers for aoe damage like if he casting a 5 sec aoe we as healers should be ready to pre cast heals to time with attack we dont get to enjoy the fights.
Its a thankless job, you get yelled at for the slightest mistake and people are dumb, not following mechanics. I wonder why no ones healing…..hmm.
I want to heal. I don't want to be a dps-lite. It's that simple.
Ty for the video first of all great point of view. I'm a main mw monk healer with 3132 score. Not gonna lie i love playing healer while im really healing with all stress and spikes. Main issue is that people who are not healer just dealing boss mechanics and dodge shit but healers must learn boss and trash mechanics while learning every where damage will happen, all debuffs and dots pack by pack ,doing affixes, using correct healing cd's, care with your mana. Ofc people dont want to play healer because u must invest too much for a dungeon and we have 8 of them.
Why would I heal when I'm just going to get screamed at by Stormrage Steve when he doesn't talent into his cleanse and the Affix takes him out while mine's on CD?
Playing healing sucks ass
Good video and please keep going. Hero talents are passive dogshit
For pvp it’s hard hard to play healer cuz blizzard fucks over all healers accept Druid and disc priest always top healers and also shaman gets nerfed to shit no one wants to play Meta meta is fucking over wow this is why people prefer SOD then retail cuz meta I miss the days you can play what you want with out meta meta is killing wow
If you give every dps spec a short buff for kicking and dispeling as a dps maybe the affixes would be easier.
I've been a healer main since MoP.
Healing has been on the decline for a while. I think it's still fine in raids and even 2's and 3's, RBG's, but activities like M+ aren't really doing it for me anymore as a healer. It might as well just be the same dungeon over and over again, it doesn't make a difference. You heal and that's that, there's no diversity in that role. There's very few things the healer role has that are as satisfying as doing tons of damage as a DPS or a Tank. Sure its nice to see how impactful I am on certain fights and how i can LITERALLY keep 2 players and 2 griefers alive sometimes, but once again, its the same thing over and over again, you're gonna run into the same people who take needless dmg and suck shit and that makes it even more bothersome to do cuz the only time you could actually be doing something fun and getting a lil dmg in, you gotta heal dumb and dumber eating abilities Stevie wonder saw coming in 1862. The role just isn't fun, and It isn't built/though of in a way that could allow it to be fun.
There's probably no solution without completely reconsidering what a healer is supposed to do or rethinking certain formats/activities in WoW. For example, M+ is IMO the worst for PVE content as far as healing goes. The crazy heal checks just aren't fucking fun, but no heal checks and the role is Free/AFK, so do you just remove healers from it? create a shitier version of healers that'd be high utility, low dmg and low healing reqs? how do you give that spec to all healers? Or do you just trivialise the role and reduce the healing checks?
As a player who has healed mid-high keys for a few years now, healing just adds a ton of chores on top of the already long list of chores that current retail wow has.
wow is hard to keep up with. The constant gear grind, addons, getting raid achievements, travel time, finding a group, it's all just one big chore. I primarily play for M+, because I personally do not enjoy raiding, raiding in a too big of a time commitment for me, and an M+ dungeon by comparison is much shorter. But recently, every M+ affix just feels like the healer's responsibility, more chores to deal with. That's chores on top of chores.
I probably won't be getting back into wow in the future ever again, sadly, there's just too many other good games out there that don't involve me doing chores all day.
I do agree that the game is too fast feeling now. I dunno what was wrong with how things were in Legion
My heart stopped for a solid second there as I thought that pigeon dating sim was the new Garrison Mission Table equivalent in Dragonflight. Luckily, you managed to dispell that debuff for me. Thanks for taking care of the group with your healing.
There’s is alot of ass holes in wow that fuck it up for other people
I dropped my disc priest for a hunter and couldn’t be happier. I wanna try DH and shaman, I won’t touch any healing lol
The problem is WoW itself. Old players get burnt out and leave, and new players don't wanna install 50 adons.
I mained a healer in season 1 too! I haven't played since. No ambition to go back. Your points on dead on, the healing is not fun when you have to optimize so many different cooldowns and rotations. I just want to have a toolkit that is enough and gear for progression. I don't care how hard they can make the game. I just want to have a fun experience. Blizzard hasn't made a fun game.
I have a love/hate relationship with healer. It's by far my favorite role to play in raids, but I think it's miserable to play in M+.
My problem is the dps (yes i have very bad pug luck)
Dps with dispells (example: remove curse) don't use them and then complain when you don't dispell them… when you can only dispell magic
Dps not helping with affixes (not using cc, or using the above mentioned dispell)
Dps standing in aoe or using abilities that cause them damage (looking at you warlocks! you don't need to use burning rush all the time!) and waisting big cooldowns or heals that are needed for the tank because of X mechanic.
Ninjapullers pulling when tank is giving you a manabreak and complaning for not getting heals
In general: players who don't care about other players and making the experience miserable and getting hate for things you have no control over.
As an old boomer myself, and a returning player, i have to agree: healing is no fun anymore. (But don't worry. We're used to getting blamed for every whipe! 😂)
I started almost 20 years ago, with my main, a resto shammy. Had a great time healing in dungeons and raids (40-men raids back in the day… imagine the chaos… we had seperate TS-channels for healers and officers 😊). I quit the game 4 years ago, just before Shadow lands, for lack of time and the direction the game was going. Came back 3 months ago and, sorry to say but i'm not staying. The game's not gotten any better. (Or maybe im just getting too old 😅)
What i did like: I liked doing quests solo and leveled 5 classes from 40 to 70. But i feel many of the groupe mechanics have gotten worse 😢. Could be because every class can do everything these days. There's no real need to work together anymore and everything is based on gear level. A well geared tank can solo most dungeons.
As a healer there's just too much to keep track of: Aoe's and ground effects all over the place. Crazy damage spikes. No way to control a steady flow of healing, nor enough burst-healing. And last but not least: every class, especially tanks, have some form of selfheal, which causes a lot of overheal and more chaos in my head 😊.
And dont get me started on the talent system, the gear-upgrade system, or the professions: all those years of farming and leveling professions rendered completely useless in this new system. 😟
Maybe i should hang on a few more months. Or maybe it's time for me to start playing a "real" role-playing game like BG3. 😉
Too stressful role in wow, in ffxiv it’s much more enjoyable.
I gave up healing not fun anymore
IMO if you want punishing mechanics that aren't immediately deemed a "healer problem", there needs to be costs associated with the failing of the mechanic that isn't "death", but instead things that punish the group as a whole, or the role that failed it. The buck stops with healers in most cases, and us pretending like WoWs unceasing march towards ever increasingly complex and punishing mechanics isn't the direct cause isn't helping. imo anyway
Don't want to wait in qeueu… rock a healer or tank. Tougher jobs but worth more game time.
the damage profiles of enemies is based on dps's ability to use their own CDs.. healers can't save bad dps and then the dps blame healers.. blizz needs to change the dmg profiles, get rid of pure dps self-healing and major CDs, nerf hybrid healing big time, and give healers more defensive CDs to be able to save their group.. instead of making healers do dmg in keys, make them more a support role to give buffs/debuffs/heals/CDs/survivability type skills so their group can stay alive
Blizzard – "we want to lessen damage spikes, so we have increased the health pool of everyone as a result."
Also blizzard – increases the damage by an equal amount to the health increase so the damage spikes remains the same.
DPS has been brain dead for a long time, thus all affixes= healers job. I refuse to play a healer now and know so many of my friends who are doing the same because being a healer is just not fun anymore. Having to focus on DPS and Healing and having to deal with way more "OH SHIT moments" is truly frustrating. Top that on with lazy Blizzard design like spawning incorporable and or afflicted during major dispel phases during boss fights in M+ is asking for a disaster. Too many times Healers have to prioritize affixes because DPS is so brain dead and focused on DPS they do not care about mechanics. It has always, always been this way, there is a reason DPS stand in fire meme has been a thing since Vanilla.. You can blame min/max aka DPS meters for that and Blizzards bad design when it comes to incorporating enrage timers on bosses. Forcing DPS to focus more on DPS than mechanics.
Played healer in seqson one. Loved the new prevoker, it was so fun discovering a whole new playstyle. But the combination of toxic community and gameplay incentives with the spiky stressful incoming dmg means i just stopped playing for fun very quickly and only persevered to achieve the rewards i wanted. Once i had them, i was out. Not felt the desire to play wow since.
I play healers to have a better view overall of the cool places we are exploring, and not be stuck in the crotch of some monster, and to yave a direct, visible effect on the party's success.
It feels good to hang back, relax and help teammates.
Focusing on health bar and cooldowns until i could not see tje dungeon i was in anymore because if i had a look around for a milisecond someone would inevitably die was awful.
As a healer main the affixes royally suck and make the game entirely unfun. Why do certain classes only offer answers for certain affixes? Why do I have to not only keep your sorry butt alive while you stand in the flames but also have to choose between dispelling the affix or you. One saves the team but kills you and the other saves you but slowly kills the team. Blizzards answer is (well the dps are suppose to help with that) but they don't. Most dps don't even know what a dispell is. They have never had to use it while leveling and never had any mechanic hinge on them landing it or they die. So most of them don't help with anything simply because they don't know it exists.
And then my favorite of all is you get the players who are like "I play X class so I don't have to help with kicks or dispells." "Life is just so nice knowing I only have one kick every 45 seconds… (presses button at wrong time) well my job is done. Bummer that I missed. Oh well, Back to damage buttons I guess ha ha…"
The healer experience is dreadful. It's only worth it when I play in my guild with a full squad of like minded players who communicate in voice to get the job done. The rest of the time is just painful.
Yeah I gave up healing in m+ because I was sick of every affix being MY problem. No, no thanks.
I love healing guild/friend groups, I won't pug because there is Always one problematic dps, or sometimes it's the thank… Healing is still a thankless job, and all the affixes are basically a healing affix – as if we didn't already have enough to do.
i like heal, not make damage and heal too. ONLY HEAL. If i wanted make DPS, I DO A DPS!
The problem is people slacking for 0.2sec lose 99% of their health, and my god on pug there is a lot of slackers
at this point i believe there shouldn't be pure heal spec… heal on DMG or smart heal should be the norm by now… or giving every class self heal skills so we can go 5 DPS dungeon… there are to much cons to play heal: monkey brain pugs, affixes that lowers healers output instead DPS output, etc… its to stressful for players…
The only improvement in DF for healers is that we're not required to do competitive DPS to the actual DPS anymore. Many dungeons/raids have way too much shit going on to worry about anything else than healing. Let alone dealing with all the affixes yourself.
Now we get a different problem though. All the tanks that have been watching the MDI expect healers to be able to heal the pulled mobs from half the dungeon, without the tank or the DPS actually doing interrupts and mechanics, so healing has just gotten even worse.
I play m+ pugs mainly as disc priest(always main) Rshaman and Rdruid alts this season. I still enjoy healing.
no you're not a negative source of info, I was mad and said mean thing
After microsoft deal, they should realise the potential of including wow in the xbox game pass (maybe inc price by a few bucks). And just let is be one giant game pass. This will for sure increase player numbers
Finding helares is hard, Finding good healers is near impossible, probbaly Done some 300+ m+ keys this season some 150+ of them have Been 20-22 keys. And as im palying balance i know the pain of being Made of paper and checking back on logs where im running BSL ”blue silken linning” where if im under 90% health i loose around 4% mastery aka 4% flat damage, i rarely se it above 40% uptime, meaning 60%++ of the dungeon im under 90% health probbaly even below 70% health even. Finding helares that can have you Over 90% health in a key for atleast 70% of the dungeon is more rare then the invinsable mount… they need to do something about healers and or even look into something about the survivability of classes, im Playing warlock now, just new leveled and its 440 ilvl, and i can say i feel safer, i feel like the chances of dying on it with around 500k health, is lower then chances of dying on my 487ilvl 850k health druid in the same m+18 keys.. why is the survivability difference literaly day and night? My 440 warlock dies less in 18+ keys then my 487 druid? That should not be a thing
I only heal mythic plus, in general I enjoy it but as a healer I am always aware that one mistake means I can wipe a key, no other classes have that issue and then the response from the group is often toxic. In average I /ignore a person every other dungeon.
I also have very little interest in doing dps as a healer, but I’m forced to do so, which means I don’t play some healers as much as their dps is lower.
Issue is healers are now expected to dps why thats what dps is there for to deal damage healers are to heal people thats it plan and simple
Healing has just got since SL. . .
I love healing, especially on HPal. But they massacred my boy 🙁 The HPS in high keys is really underwhelming and when your spells barely move the bars its really frustrating. The lack of tuning in the past few weeks is what kills it for me right now. High dmg checks are fine, if the role gets the tools to handle this. Keep Monks strong, discs are fine (for me boring as hell to play 😉 ) but buff underperforming classes!
Healer main here (Pres Evoker). I still love healing tbh and can't see myself changing away from healing any time soon. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the abundance of one shot mechanics. When you get to a certain key level you become very reliant on people using their defensives and CC's correctly or they will just die. I do think that is kind of fair though, high end keys should carry risks. I am currently in the +24 – +25 range so not very high by any means but it has become very noticeable now. Personally I would like to go more toward the rot damage style that we have to heal through rather than massive damage spikes. That way if we fail, we know its because we failed to meet the rot healing check rather than "ah that guy got hit by 800k RiP".
Pvp is one shot / pve is boring no dmg (healing only suxx). They gave heal to every one and destroyed healers. Heal was amazing in legion/bfa.
As a tank main it’s always hard looking for a healer in higher keys and recently I’ve started playing my mistweaver due to its melee healing and high passive healing and just overall fun but then as I started going to higher keys I realized EVERYONE blames healers and that’s probably a high reason for the lack of healers, nobody really realizes until they play it