Germans are so fucking dumb in English. I swear to god they can not grasp the smallest of things like expressions. they are so stubborn they will argue with a native English speaker about what words mean. Shit pisses me off
Even better: Austrian and german player in one raid. If I (austria) get heated I will talk in dialect, so my german Buddies wont understand me. Had many funny situations
I'd join for beer, brats, and sauerkraut. I'm not wearin' those lederhosen though. Gonna need a more breathable material around my bottom half after that meal…
American here but was in a guild and raided with Germans, Austrians, Italians, Belgians, a couple of Welsh dudes and one very awesome and hilarious Scotsman. One of the best teams and guild I have ever been in.
Yepp spent some time raiding with people from EU and it was def different lol
Good heavens, how very racist!
smiles europeanly
Didn’t that Europe is Germany only
UK, Netherlands and Germany, drunk on Teamspeak
It's annoying as a German to be constantly equated with Bavaria. Welcome rest of Europe, we're all yodeling in Lederhosen and Dirndle now 😀
I mean by the logic, joining an NA guild is just gunshots and people shouting about Trump. But sure.
Ja Himmelherrgottsakradi
Im just tempeted to play on eu servers now. Just saying.
Where can i find the video for these guys haha?
Exceptionally accurate
atleast theres no black people like in america…
As german i can say we have 4/8 M Clear with just singing and drinking beer
As European I confirm it’s the truth
Well sounds like I need to join a German raid team
Germans are so fucking dumb in English. I swear to god they can not grasp the smallest of things like expressions. they are so stubborn they will argue with a native English speaker about what words mean. Shit pisses me off
Even better: Austrian and german player in one raid. If I (austria) get heated I will talk in dialect, so my german Buddies wont understand me. Had many funny situations
Hilarious as I’m in one ha ha ha 🎉😂
It takes an American to stereotype the sheite out of cultures, peoples, whatever
God EU players are such low IQ garbage
Bring back the moar dots meme and I will die happy
I need the full video
still better than merica server 😂🤣
I'd join for beer, brats, and sauerkraut. I'm not wearin' those lederhosen though. Gonna need a more breathable material around my bottom half after that meal…
ey horch amol, so a gschmarri
Common I am German half Greek I am never drunk of stoned 😅
Lmao so true.
I was today in group with 4 germans and this I see now 😂😂😂😂 hahaha
American here but was in a guild and raided with Germans, Austrians, Italians, Belgians, a couple of Welsh dudes and one very awesome and hilarious Scotsman. One of the best teams and guild I have ever been in.
I love it…more beer more singing!
ah, that is one good Austrian band.
Bruh lol. I need to join the voice chat in game, im missing out apparently.
Me an intellectual, joined a Russian guild.
you either trolling or you are a complete moron
I feel so offended my outfit is way more lit than that!
Fühl ich xDD
My Furer
I hear they poop in the streets