what people think playing world of warcraft is like #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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21 thoughts on “what people think playing world of warcraft is like #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. only group of people really complaining about retail are
    – boomers that can't accept things improve and change over time
    – RPer's whose hardest content is pretending to suck draenei donkey cock in goldshire
    – Classic andies who are jealous their brains can not handle this new invention called mechanics
    – your local LFR hero who buys m+ boosts so they can compete for top spot in an LFR boss but still manage to get shat on everytime

  2. First clip is more badass than the 2nd clip. Riding a flying dragon is S tier. Taking 40 people in to beat one guy and hope a couple good items drop is what the rabble does at the adventurer's guild.

  3. you are forgetting the game forcing health guidance on you to go rest away from the computer for a few minutes every once a while during the Dragon Flight travels ๐Ÿ˜˜

  4. Big number maker while huge writing on the screen tells you what to do so your brain doesn't have to actually function. Great stuff dude! Really some skill based gaming.


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