WHAT?! Primus Is The Jailer? – This Could SAVE Shadowlands

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A crazy Wowhead theory has been going around lately about how Primus is the REAL Jailer!
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A really mind-blowing speculation theory recently came from Wowhead explaining that Primus may in fact be the actual Jailer and that Zovaal was but a puppet of his.

Honestly a lot of it really makes sense, even the name Jailer as he jailed Zovaal, we know Primus created domination magic and runes so it didn’t make much sense that Zovaal was the one that had control over all of them. While it is a crazy theory is this really is true it might be able to save some of the Shadowlands lore as this would fill a bunch of plot holes that we currently have.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


49 thoughts on “WHAT?! Primus Is The Jailer? – This Could SAVE Shadowlands”

  1. Maybe the sigil concept was to have the primus steal it from zovaal and get his true form, the one from the leaked art, and they went with zovaal’s form instead.

  2. IT seems that blizz is the 50000iq mastermind. Saw a comment where a dude said that the primus made the new arbiter's helm as well BC HE WANTS TO CONTROL HIM TOO. Blizz essentially made shadowlands a storytelling expansion with no real ending bc the next expansion is going to give the true ending to the death theme. We already had the fel theme, now death next light and void?

  3. i would love for this twist to be true, but i dont believe blizzard has the capability to do a good story like this anymore. even if they had originally planned for this to be the end, they are already saying shadowlands is done

  4. Why would the "the jailer" be jailing anything in an non escapable place? Maybe they did a super twist in this expansion, but.. so many of the points in outside sources, should have been ingame. Like the primus mastermind thing. It could be tough, we as players have allways done stuff to set other stuff in motion, like helping the wrong guy

  5. After reading the wowhead article. Everything just clicked into place regards to the story. Makes so much more sense. Then current incoherent story that makes no sense or gives zero motive to actions taken.

  6. I disagree with you. I don't know why we have to be so unhumble. If this theory was true and thought from the beginning, I would call it masterminded. It is a blowing theory that could make a broken extension actually one with the best thought on the narrative plan. It is all coherent and on another level from what we had guessed.
    Really hope it will be that.
    Thanks for the video!

  7. I must say it did escape me after all this time. But yeah now brought up clearly The Jailer wasn't in charge of the Maw. And every other Plane had a Eternal one in charge of there realm. So if the Jailer wasn't in charge of it. Just who or what was looking over the Prison of the Dammed? Primus can't literally be in charge of both Realms? Maybe?

  8. Primus used his Dr. strange powers to divine that he had to let himself be captured, erased the right memories and did the movie Payday with Ben Affleck to reverse engineer the outcome he wanted.

  9. Dude. Let this ship go. Wow story is dead. Its always simple. You can predict everything because everything is obvius now. There is no mindblowing things in the story anymore. You are the champion. You always win. Azeroth never dies. You always save the day and the world and the dudes. While they are writing the story they cant blow up planets, reshape the landscape, develop a new Azeroth like world, because Blizz dont have money and this is why they play safe with the story line. Even Microsoft cant resurect it from the dead.

  10. If you look in zoval eyes when he was captured, when he has no control magic rune's on his skin, there is no blue fog coming out of his eyes. With the runes on his skin he has the blue fog like Arthus and anduyn maby he was controlled by the primus. And in zoval defeat he say "this must not be" and if the transformation "what is to come".
    AND there is a close-up on his eye where you see the glow and after there is no glow.

  11. I haven't watched this yet but this is definetely copium guys comon. But I've been fantasizing that the jailor could have a secret mythic phase or a secret 12th mythic boss that could somewhat redeem this shit lol

  12. Why would Primus manipulate us by helping us foil his own secret plan tho? Lol it doesn't really make sense still, he could of just not imprisoned himself and not helped us, then we'd have no legendaries or no helm of freedom or whatever to resist the domination magic

  13. That would make sense because like always…we need to lose the legendary effects to start a new grind 😂 So the Primus would just „switch them off“/ make them useless.

  14. People are giving WoW too much credit.
    You freaking ppl are giving WoW devs an out with this theory and it's painful…….it'll be 10000x more painful if they take it and run with it and act liek they were SO smart the whole time. When in reality, this was never what they had planned. roflmao


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