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Crazy, its a different game entirely. More like Warcraft but the turn-around has been instrumental.
XARBAR! Love the content king, keep it up!
agree, It must have been a difficult decision but if they wanted to hit him hard it was the key decision. they knew
🌳 look the same kek
Good times. I was part of the Alpha and Beta for World of Warcraft and then I played from 2004-2012. um… Picked up again 3 months ago. 😡
I don't think the screenshot from 0:17 is actually from World of Warcraft. Looks more like the early screenshots of Warcraft 3 looked like, back when it was envisioned as more of an RPG/RTS hybrid rather than pure RTS
Someone said "back when developers loved the game" not true, that's back when the company wasn't public and plagued with deadlines, rushed patches, and misconduct.
wonder how Riot MMO would look, look at Corepunk, top down MMORPG
Xar, he literally stole this video from Preach. WTF bro 😅
Lol Xaryu never heard of Everquest I take it…
Hasnt this whole "lets look at early alpha wow gameplay" been done 100x before?
Wow didn't pioneer third/first person sub based MMO RPGs, more then half of the wow dev team played EverQuest 1 and both eq1 and daoc were dominant and pioneers in the early MMO days
I've been playing on and off since Vanilla and I don't remember the game looking this way 0:52.
Ah, a video from vaulty, the theft content… that guy has nothing but stolen videos copied from much better wow content creators.
druid has no place in world of warcraft
Sorry for being a noob, where's the link to the original video
voud of voucvaft
Asmongold copied Vaulty xD 😉
I find it surprising that they found their iconic FONT in yellow gold at first like that and never had to change it
vaulty lol, if anyone remembers
Vaulty talks like a 4 year old!
bro said "oh and i got a house!" then you look behind him on his camera and its totally empty 🤣 ey, rank 1 tho…
Oh man we should have the no changes crowd keep the game exactly the same , that would rock, maybe we add a new dungeon or a new raid if we want to get crazy spicy , but keeping everything the same with no changes , is so tight ! I know people would rush to play with so much excitement . New graphics that’s for lames ! Transmog ! Loservile ! Updated classes and new races , that’s for the looneys . Only us smart no change crowd know how to make wow successful , just look at how packed current wow classic servers are ! Speak it loud and proud , no changes until the servers close down !
Has xar never seen jeff kaplans rant about Everquest raids before he left to blizzard??