What Would World of Warcraft 2 Look Like? Part 2

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Since our first video looking at what a potential World of Warcraft sequel could look like, here’s part two!

00:08 Azuremyst Isle in Unreal Engine 4 by Prog
01:02 World of Warcraft Environment in Unreal Engine 5 by Kvelar
01:13 Project Grunt by Axel
03:18 Arthas by Alex Skirving
03:25 Stromwind and Duskwood in Unreal Engine 4 by Daniel L
04:28 World of Warcraft in Unreal Engine 5 by JSFILMZ

Art by
Alex Skirving
Daniel L

All music by Good Solid Music – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCknMJKkmPvL9SzvP-inR78Q

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29 thoughts on “What Would World of Warcraft 2 Look Like? Part 2”

  1. Lools super cool and reminds me of the movie. But they cant do this because of memory consolidation. This visual would make the game 300gigs or more, after consolidation. Visuals take a ton of memory and thats usually why cod is excessovesly sized for a fuckin arcade game.

  2. I'd really hope not. Not just because it looks like an asset flip, which it does (which I can't expect more from individuals making something for the hell of it). But it is also disjointed. Disconnected. Generally a bad look masked by high quality textures and lighting. Just because Unreal enables you to throw good lighting at anything doesn't make anything look good. The problem is not that people are making this stuff but is the fact that this video was titled "What Would World of Warcraft 2 Look like?" which is the kind of title that naturally makes people cynical and draws people to critic. It goes from a "Look at what these people made" to a "I have a suggestion." and that suggestion is "Wouldn't it be great if World of Warcraft looked exactly like every other game on the market with no substance or character and excessively difficult to run on reasonable consumer hardware?" Work smarter not harder. Make art look better because it is better not because it has more pixels.

  3. To be completely honest. It looks amazing! Though I wouldn't want this, it would demand more from my computer resource wise. I like the current style of wow, some graphical changes would be nice but I would like for them to keep the current "Theme". If anything I would just want a combat overhaul.

  4. The community did it for Grand Theft Auto and the community would do it for Wow. Sadly, from what I heard, the cheap/lazy folks at Blizzard locked up the texture files so the community can't make this texture mod for current WoW.

  5. Lol i reckon there are some Blizz lazy devs posting in here. Getting shown up by indie devs in this amazing footage, shame on the big budget companies whos art looks like a 12yo's school project.😂

  6. Maybe in another 10 years, once this level of graphics is attainable by a majority with the help of FSR3 or the like. That would be their only concern i believe, accessibility to their player base.


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