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A quick guide on what’s coming at the start of patch 9.2.5 Shadowlands, and what’ll come later in Season 4.
Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
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For me – nothing comes in 9.2.5 at all.
Thanks for the overview…..still no announcement of when this will happen?
i dont like fated raids idea
Just feels like 9.2.5 doesn’t go far enough in terms of QOL or atleast putting more of it in place.
I think one key item Blizz is missing here is making all Zereth Mortis currencies BOA. I’m progressing a third alt through the Cypher and it’s very tedious at best after having completely unlocking it twice already.
At this point everything should be account unlocked after completion even for future patches not just the end of expansions
Thanks for uploading!
what's the new pvp gear look like?
Might be time to revisit LOTR or try FF14. I am underwhelmed, to say the least. Frankly, both 9,25 and Season 4 appear to have very little for me.
I use a cursor mod Lol love it
Give us the preorder already.. force me to throw cash at you Blizz!
Thank you, 🙂
Relics and cosmic flux account wide would be useful
Some smaller changes i've noticed and you haven't mentioned:
Aotc mount is bigger (right now it is way too small and big races don't fit)
Ksm mounts all had green particles which looked weird on the season 3 one so they changed it as well
I think people drastically underestimate how big cross faction game play is going to be. I played on Bleeding Hollow for nearly a decade. When the server shifted to a super high horde population I moved servers instead of quitting. I have had so many people that did quit reach out ot me in the past month who are going to resub or have already subbed because they will be able to play with those who faction changed and stayed on BH or who rerolled Horde on another server to be able to actually play the game. This will give a huge influx of players at first and if the feature is expanded further to include guilds it could be the single thing that saves the game for the next decade. I know that sounds like a lot of hope and hype, but watch out to see if I am right.