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I show you biggest cause of fps drops (on good PCs) in raids and M+ and in general for users using weak aura packs.
I will do a follow up video in future on optimizing fps on mid to lower end PCs.
This video I wanted to get out asap cause it kills fps on ALL pcs from low all the way to the highest spec pcs. Guilds in RWF were even dropping to 10-20fps on Pcs with 4090s and latest cpu and this was found to be cause.
Test WA:
Script that can auto scan auras for any models in use:
/run for _,d in pairs(WeakAurasSaved.displays) do if d.subRegions then for _,sr in ipairs(d.subRegions) do if sr.type==”submodel” then print( end end end end
#worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #gaming
subbed thanks for the video
does this work with classic wow also?
Fellow Mac gamers UNITE! I’m here from my M3 Max and I love it for WoW. Subbed!
Hey man don't mind the comments!
Incredible video, thank you for informing the community of this. This is a very common issue that afects many players, myself included. Even having a mid tier PC, i wasnt expecting to have such a mediocre performance during certain fights/zones. I didn't really understood what a "Model" is or what it does, but I''m thankful to know that there can be an external cause to blame for the sometimes bad performance of the game.
You choose Nvidia over amd, that's your problem.
This game should run on a calculator at 60 fps idk how they managed to fck it up this bad
Solution to low fps…..stop using cheats !!!!!!
Im using the AtrocityUI and the weakauras in that pack dont have any models except for frost mage icicles apparently (i dont play frost mage so that wont load anyway) and my FPS on 30 man ansurek for example drop down to around 10….. tried without any addons and its still only around 30 fps, im on a god tier PC, updated drivers, optimized AMD settings, wow settings, updated drivers, did everything that anyone could come up with and it still sucks ass.
I encountered a similar problem in DF, when my pala WA used fx models for holy power. But I think, that is not the only problem. When I using a lowers render scale (any other than 100%, for example 98%) with FidelityFX filter for better final rendering, the game is also being lagging if any of model are renders in UI layer: WA, overlay characters on frames, character screen, etc… Also, modern water shader with full reflection also being lagging, lol. So, the way for me in this case – set render scale to 100% or turn off any models in UI and set the lowest preset for water. I distinctly remember how the WOTLK version started to slow down in the middle of the expansion after the release of the next content patch and the update of the game engine, so this problem are common for all wow versions right now.
Who says it like moadal?
hmmm….. i dont use weak auras. only addons i have running consistantly is tomtom and healbot (and even healbot is "disabled" on most my characters since most arent healers).. either of them is causing model issues?
a friend of mine said, there are almost no weakauras with models in it, he has checked after watching this video, which is sad, i hoped it's gonna help 😢
Do Icons/Progress bars/Prog textures/Text etc… count as models in this context? Or are we specifically taking 3D model auras?
But even in palace with no addons go test FPS. This is a great and intelligent video on the issue though. TY for the vid though, glad people are bringing the game’s performance up.
now disable every addon for 1000 fps
very helpfull… thanks mate cheers
So I don’t even have WeakAuras downloaded. I use ElvUi. I however am having this same problem with my FPS tanking. So what is the play if you don’t even use / have WA downloaded and are still having this problem? Thanks.
Shitty addons kills fps. ep. 1943
Randomly popped in my YT feed and saved me 140 fps
Thx man for real
thank you so much, wish i could bop you irl cheers
I don't know if it's related, but I noticed that the addon "LoseControl" is a big culprit of FPS loss.
Bro wtf. I was having this issue and YT popped it up on my recommended… All praise the YT algorithm
TY !!!!!!!!!
Just dont use weakauras. I mean for mythic raiding fine.
If you need weakauras for anything else, get good. Stop relying on auras and learn to play.
dont use apple. fixed.
Thank you Asmonfromwish really important topic! thank you for highlighting it!
Why can this mother fucker say model right?
I have a 3080 ti and a 4k screen. Running wow on lower than 4k in this setup looks blurry
But 4k wow runs like shit. I hope the fix is in this video
Model = Mah-del. Say it with me. Not modal. Mah-del. Mah-del. Model.
Does plater use models also?
GJ man! keep the good work. I recently change my pc and game on raids running like dog shit. part of it were old addons. I am glad the problem has been issued my blizzard, since wow is only game I know where you bought a fresh pc and it still doesnt not work as intended. I probablu could lunch Wukong no maximum setup and it should run smoothly.
Chad Mac gamer
Thank you very much!
thank you asmonsilver for the guide
I don't have weak aura and my fps are dogshit ever since TWW release. Have not had an issue in last 2 xpacs
brother how can i get intouch with you i got some questions, hit me up
I have no models yet in raid cenarios lags
who is eggtender? how did we get this name wrong so many times?
However, thanks for the info I let my guild know. Keep it up sir.