What’s The BEST CLASS In Shadowlands So Far?

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Let’s break down which classes are looking good in the Shadowlands expansion, and what THE BEST CLASS could be.
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27 thoughts on “What’s The BEST CLASS In Shadowlands So Far?”

  1. So… All I got from this was; You like visuals? You like to do all roles? Then that means they are the best!!

    No numbers presented. No real world comparisons. No proper PvE or PvP structure on why a certain class excels (no, being able to have a spec for all roles does not make it the best. Druids and Monks can also cover all roles. Druids more so).
    Why is e.g. Paladin better than e.g. Druid or Monk that can also fill all roles?
    What has visuals to do with making a class the best?

    In my opinion, this video was a very low effort with no research behind it, just felt like a filler video just to keep up a consistant upload rate and quick views.

  2. It seems to me the developers nerf certain classes when too many people play that class. So when no one plays a certain class they will buff them to make others switch classes. This makes them want to give classes similar abilities so people will not switch for certain abilities.
    I love my shaman because of the totems and I hate seeing the totem system slowly disappear.


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