I was flying over org (cata classic) and was admiring all the red and orange and spikes. And from above, you'd think it was an abandoned canyon, then you fly in and realize it all nook's and cranny's full of orcs, zombies, goblins, trolls and minotaur!
hahaha karl dilkington!
Orgrimar is just stormwind before it was high maul
Орки так не гуляют по штормгоаду)))
Ohh, and don't get me started about the smell
I miss undercity and old orgrimar
Orgrimar is basically stormwind just worse 😅. But jokes aside it has its vibes
Bollocks play another record
“ You’re an idiot, play a record! “
lol this is how I feel as an Alliance player for sure 😅
Stormwind is much better
Everything is happier with a bit of Human League!
One day a human race will join the hord one day
ORG is a castle mad of wooden boards mud and dung & 1% metal
why would i want to be there? Lol
I've never liked the asthetics of orgrimmar.
Proudly. I’ve never played alliance toons. For the Horde
GD OLD ORG PRE CATA Just can't get enough
Dirty and smelly
I was flying over org (cata classic) and was admiring all the red and orange and spikes. And from above, you'd think it was an abandoned canyon, then you fly in and realize it all nook's and cranny's full of orcs, zombies, goblins, trolls and minotaur!
For the Alliance players out there: what class does your wife’s boyfriend play?
Ironforge is THE city
The only reason people played horde was racials lets be real. Now they mean nothing.
what a wuss!
Weirdly true
Org is so dirty and dusty. SW is clean and ordered 💙💛
Keep walking a Saurfangs gonna…….
Alliance scum fucking spy
For the Alliance- nothing could compare to Stormwind and it’s royal music full of power
Been playing horde since wrath
TRUMP 2024 baby let’s go
I can't understand what he's saying😅