When I was leveling in TWW, I was full PVP bis gear from the Dragonflight. So one time I accidentally one shoted some poor DK with no gear, who was also leveling, because I thought it was a mob (red hp nameplate color).
On cata a few days ago, a geared undead 85 mage kept killing my 83 paladin, so i came back with my hunter and camped him for around an hour. It was bliss
you're the kind of player that gets owned in seconds…
I remember in legion when that did the PVP scaling in open world, I ran around in low lvl holy palidan kicking ass in pvp that first day
Lol. I've been there. Just recently had 2 low lvl player's attack me and before I knew what was going on they were dead lol
When I was leveling in TWW, I was full PVP bis gear from the Dragonflight. So one time I accidentally one shoted some poor DK with no gear, who was also leveling, because I thought it was a mob (red hp nameplate color).
it is called prison rules.. you find the biggest baddest player and try to put them down.
On cata a few days ago, a geared undead 85 mage kept killing my 83 paladin, so i came back with my hunter and camped him for around an hour. It was bliss
This morning I had a war try to gank me while I was killing croaker. 🤣 Just finished the toad quickly and pawned him like an ant
A couple of weeks back. At the world boss quest where you make a raid party to kill it. 2 rogues tried to gank us. 26 people vs 2. Just….why?