When "Classic" WoW Really Died

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Rediscover your love for fantasy by listening to Songs of Chaos: https://link.michaelrmiller.co.uk/MadSeason

People point at Cataclysm as the expansion to separate “classic” from “current”, but is it really true?

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If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments.

Pillager footage by caravelgaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McoU3EMHJuQ

Wetgrass inspired by AmIEvil from ocremix.org: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wordp9vBB38
Waltz for Zizi cover by Sam Griffin Guitar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woALmrwX-JE
BTDD Stage 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hqZ6Gb-J-s
Wii Shop Unused version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORQIXex4Sjs
Stormwind Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPjeNWDsszw
Creative Exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRn1Z6KT91Y
Diablo 2 Wilderness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxg5W5wKvLE
FFIX The Place I’ll Return To Someday Remix by Arcanuman1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFkrxvbAOrA
Darkness And Light by McVaffe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrP7m-3Sgxc


37 thoughts on “When "Classic" WoW Really Died”

  1. As someone who played Vanilla and was really looking forward to Classic and the Classics…. running into nonstop dickheads for the most part who buy gold and just run gdkp's and ask for logs makes this game completely non fun….. I've been in the best guilds at times on servers and no one behaved like these little dick incels do… where are all the chill peeps???

  2. This man has told me the same story over 50 times across 752 videos and i will STILL click on any video about the same story he puts out….keep em coming king.
    We need some “told you so btw” shirts!

  3. not gonna lie, this channel has died out so painfully. before, videos were hype and had creativity. now his videos are mostly 'here's why wow died for the 400th time'. we get it, you miss the game, but you said you were moving onto other things. that clearly hasn't happened, and seeing upload after upload of the same generic ideas…. i'm out. i can't follow this channel anymore. it's become a depressing circus show where it's the same clown doing the same routine.

  4. ty so much for this, I HATE how the WOTLK fan boys have always trashed Cata when Cata feels like a vanilla 2.0 more than anything and used the systems andthings brought in by WOTLK

  5. TBC was my fav experience and I always felt like it was the final form of vanilla WoW. I remeber re-rolling a belf on release, and but the original world was still so alive it felt like I was still playing WoW. Still absolutely loved Wrath Cata and Legion. MoP WoD and BFA were hit and miss for me. LS was the only real whiff for me.

  6. I really love you but can u stop make video like this? it seems so repetitive recently when you always talk about when wow classic died, why it died and that you told us btw.

  7. I sometimes wonder where WoW would have been if they went the OSRS route and just added more stuff to it and didn't change older content.
    On the topic of last video with "Nostalgia is why people still play OSRS and WoW Classic", it's a statement that pisses me off because I am 28 now, I never played OSRS but knew of it when I was younger. I played WoW and therefore saw OSRS as obsolete so I never got into it. I recently started playing it (2023 somewhere) and it's absolutely wonderful. There's so much flavor in that game in every nook and cranny. The quests are fun and it doesn't take itself too seriously. I did all the non-membership quests and got gifted a membership by one of my friends. I played the game a long while and it was a ton of fun. Diving into the wiki looking at ways to make money. Making strength pots and going out there to do slayer missions. It has a great learning curve and I haven't even come CLOSE to "endgame". And that's where my story ties in to my original question. Where would WoW be if it was still SUCH an incredible grind all the way to "endgame". It would have so much to do, so much to collect. And all of it would still be very relevant. They would never have gotten rid of Legion artifacts because artifacts would have been designed in a way that would make them useful besides just a skin. It would make grinding that thing be worth doing for a new player. Same for other stuff in the game.
    It'd be more interesting if each expansion had a kind of "carnival game" to do. And everything done within that game would be relevant to other content in it. Would give you reasons to go and explore. It would have made all of those years of development poured into these expansions worth something other than being called "legacy content" or "content for easy mogs and mounts".
    Rant over. Thanks for making the videos MadSeason, you allow me to think about what parts of WoW are the good parts. I'll remember those for when I inevitably make my own co-op RPG far into the future. It's a dream project but I am currently just too inexperienced to get started on it. o7

  8. One thing I learnt over playing wow (especially during wotlk – legion) is that as nice a lot of QoL changes were, they made things not too easy; but sucked the fun out bit by bit because you do less.

    No longer do you remember where dungeons/raids were, no longer did you need to check your gear to see what level is needed to do a raid, no longer do you need to read quests to find where to go; the game does it for you.

    In an extreme exagguration imagine you start up a game and then you press 1 button and the game does everything for you. It talks, it groups, it quests, it avoids attacks and casts spells, it runs from place to place (a lot like mobile mmorpgs tbh) and you just sit there watching the game play itself until it reaches max level. Now it's grinding the best gear and suddenly it's done everything. Did you have fun? No? But the game made everything easier! Now you don't even need to worry about stuff, it does it for you right? Wrong. Yes it's an insane example but it points out a flaw too many quality of life changes make; too many and the game stops being fun, too little and the game becomes incredibly hard.

    So what do you pick? An easy game that isn't fun? Or a hard game that is? Maybe a balance? Both sides have good arguments but I feel that there should be some difficulty in a game otherwise there isn't any challenge. But not to the amount that people get bored and leave and through that challenge, players work together to overcome it. If not, they either learn that they HAVE to, or just leave.

    This is where I think a lot of MMORPG companies fail at. They cannot keep a balances between challenge and easy of use. It's not the sole problem but a lot of other things we used to enjoy in them, often stem from this balance.

  9. Wrath is definitely where it really started to go downhill. It's when I started questioning why I was still playing for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was LFG giving people easy options to do things without relying on the local server. When I saw my guild not reliably doing things together, I truly began to lose interest, especially when my guild leader logged in one day, all of the main crew was online, and he was in a random dungeon within a few minutes. I still stayed through Cata, and things got better a bit despite all that, but MoP was the end for me. The point I told the guild leader, if I stop doing the dailies, I could still be interested in the game, only to be told dailies were basically necessary for raiding. And then the raid day/time during that expansion also did not work for me. So that was the end. I was getting tired of other things too, like really jacked up druid gearing for raiding. Obviously if you raided, there was no problem, but I didn't get to raid a lot. Druid gear was set up in such a way, at least in Cata, that previous season arena gear was not only viable for the current tier raid, it was even 2nd best only to the current tier gear itself, but even in a dungeon, everyone wanted to knee jerk react to that badly.

  10. Awful video, you've already made all these opinions before, granted putting more blame on wrath is somewhat new. The game evolved, it had to or it would have died to the competition. It's great they have done all the classics but now the interest in them is fading. Granted evolution is messy and rarely perfect.

  11. The temptation to re-subscribe for a month and roll a new toon in vanilla is so strong every time I watch a madseason video. I've loved your content ever since the days of crusade and my first experience with streamer raids. Will always look forward to these videos, much love goat

  12. For me it ended in vanilla when they kept doing things like not having to go travel the world to go to battlegrounds and stuff like that diminishing travel time and the world. TBC though is when I finally had enough as it essentially killed the old world and flying mounts killed world PVP.


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