The trick here is how to prevent too many interrupts from being cast. The cooldown on interrupts are typically longer then the time between stuff that needs to be interrupted. As such players need to take turns.
A guildleader begged me to come back since they've been wiping on Kelthuzad for weeks partly because the other 7 rogues can't find kick. Infuriating, wouldve just kicked them instead.
I really despise the insanely long cooldown on lock's interrupt, I see so many casts go through because I can't use it enough. It really should be 15s with how badly we need it now.
And then they interrupt 100% of my spell reflects, and only those.
Lmfao ok in my defense im attention deficit and forget literally 15 seconds later.
โฆ. On a mythic 4 key.๐
Yeah then the dps cries in the shower over they unatural thing it just did….
Yeah, and someone else interrupted so yours is on cooldown for nothing ๐
I mean its easier now the game gives you all the warnings and cast bar
Then the healer woke up
interrupting is for peons ๐ฆพ
wait untill they discover defensives
Congratulations you realised it was the kickable AOE spell that was one shotting you not the healer letting you die.
Me on my rogue learning to sap in rfc almost 20 years ago ๐๐๐
seems like dps players became stupid since I quit WoW๐
Now imagine this when interrupts were in the GCD and lowered your DPS.
Me figuring out that Arcane Torrent on Deathknight is beast (pre-nerf)
Dps logic : Tank and heal have to interrupt, dispel, move the boss away from fire, I can only deal damage and follow the boss…
Dps logic: if a tank has a 2 minute cd on an interrupt, then they should be able to interrupt 10 times every 2 minutes.
The trick here is how to prevent too many interrupts from being cast. The cooldown on interrupts are typically longer then the time between stuff that needs to be interrupted. As such players need to take turns.
That's a lie
I play all classes and the interrupt is on the same button at all of them ๐
Who told my fellow warriors Pummel does no damage?
Interupt doesnt do damage, simple as that
Demon hunters donโt struggle with that, itโs built into their rotation.
Any gladiator or better in pvp can easily do PvE… and best PvE'ers will suck doing pvp
A guildleader begged me to come back since they've been wiping on Kelthuzad for weeks partly because the other 7 rogues can't find kick. Infuriating, wouldve just kicked them instead.
HA! I just learned mouse over interrupt.
I really despise the insanely long cooldown on lock's interrupt, I see so many casts go through because I can't use it enough. It really should be 15s with how badly we need it now.
Wait till they finally learn how to use a freaking defencive when they get targeted by a hard hitting ability.
Not pvp dps