When the dps won't stop standing in stuff on the floor #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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14 thoughts on “When the dps won't stop standing in stuff on the floor #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. Previous comments don't get it. DPS keeps getting hit and doesn't realize… but BOOM, they notice what the healer saw the whole time… healer was being nice like we always try to be.

    Tldr… don't stand in fire.

  2. This Is me every night πŸ˜‚ the trouble is they often look at you after like you wasn't healing or wonder why your going oom πŸ˜‚ plus they love running off round corners just as your heal reaches its cast to then be LoS'd and pull another pack lol

  3. Healers act like you didn't roll a healer…then complain when you have to heal more than the tank it's just pitiful. Most tanks don't need a healer anymore and healer dps instead of healing dying dps is just shit healers are so toxic. Tank self heals and out heals a healer, dps dies, if your job wasn't to heal the group what are we even talking bout here?

  4. I almost always run Tank or DPS but I leveled a Holy Pali to play with some buddies i got into WOW a while ago. Ive never felt such rage as when i queued for dungeons with randoms and it seems like the group is on a mission to off themselves.


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