i played pally and healing felt like a dpser, same meters to top, cause they still died on wipes no matter how much u healed them, so resurrection was needed, NDE 45 minutes with Jesus
I switched to Mistweaver Monk healing because I'm lazy. I mostly hit my damage buttons until the enemy dies and the party doesn't. I rarely have to hard cast healing spells.
😩guilty, I’d switch from my holy priest to shadow which i didn’t care for to get gear for my holy. Healing was stressing me out 😭, like are you blind to see my call for a mana break 🤬. The couple times I tanked I kept an eye on the healer’s mana.
As Ret, especially in Mplus, feels like i'm doing more than some healers. dpsing, kicking, affix this week. BoSacing, boping, off healing. Tanking if the tank messes up while i'm trying to Brez him.
Healing has kept me in the game more than anything else. But it feels tougher than ever so far this xpac. I haven't got to play much. But just started in mythic 0s. And maybe imma tad undergrad but I'm struggling. Even on shaman
I main a healer after years of DPSing solely because I don't trust anyone else but myself in a Mythic+ group. I think it's seldom that a good healer comes and geniuenly tries to keep everyone alive—I'll get better and better and be that healer in time but never leaving it to chance. Others can DPS and someone can tank. I will not let anyone die!
everything i was a balancer, then in dragonflight i try healing and through out dragonflight i love healing..but i msis being a moonkin moonfiring star throwing druid…now I'm a balancer again..but i guess half of me miss healing..since now my healing is so low while fighting these spiders!!!
whenever i play a dps (I am a healer main) I am always struck how easy it is to just dps and look out for myself
And then you swap to dps and you are queueing or waiting on other ppl more than playing the game
/cry. Group hug!
I will never stop healing!!! I feel like sam from the lord of the rings, best feeling ever!
Even when i play retribution i cant help casting Word of Glory every time i see someone on low hp😅
Totally lol'd at this 😂
You can be healer or not
Its like DRAG 😂
This is me
i played pally and healing felt like a dpser, same meters to top, cause they still died on wipes no matter how much u healed them, so resurrection was needed, NDE 45 minutes with Jesus
DPS stresses me out, healing is home
sucks even more when youre a GM and you fill a healer role while you recruit and can’t change back cause you’re too deep
As a Druid main I love healing.
I started as dps ret in burning crusade, i was the redheaded step child. Then i went prot in pandaria
Sounds like you have a bad healee because they get to dps. As long as the group is not trash and eat damage.
Healer: NEVER!
Shoutout to all the healers that press their buttons.
Fistweaver for days
These are great 😂❤
I have tried to dps, cause it is easier, but I stress the whole time watching people's health.
being* and most healers are healers because they were not good enough at dps.
😂 so true
I feel similar when i can got from DPSing back to tanking.
Basically ow2
I tank heal and dps depending on what i feel like. They're all not too hard to do
I switched to Mistweaver Monk healing because I'm lazy. I mostly hit my damage buttons until the enemy dies and the party doesn't. I rarely have to hard cast healing spells.
absolutely fire post
Lol I'm lazy
healers dont even heal anymore. ppl just pick a healer to queue faster
😩guilty, I’d switch from my holy priest to shadow which i didn’t care for to get gear for my holy. Healing was stressing me out 😭, like are you blind to see my call for a mana break 🤬. The couple times I tanked I kept an eye on the healer’s mana.
As Ret, especially in Mplus, feels like i'm doing more than some healers. dpsing, kicking, affix this week. BoSacing, boping, off healing. Tanking if the tank messes up while i'm trying to Brez him.
yes this is my boomkin ass goin resto, can't wait for the buffs
Healing has kept me in the game more than anything else. But it feels tougher than ever so far this xpac. I haven't got to play much. But just started in mythic 0s. And maybe imma tad undergrad but I'm struggling. Even on shaman
After 20 years of only playing as DPS in any game.
Heiling is weirdly relaxing.
God bless every one of those healers, way more patience than I got
So true!
I main a healer after years of DPSing solely because I don't trust anyone else but myself in a Mythic+ group. I think it's seldom that a good healer comes and geniuenly tries to keep everyone alive—I'll get better and better and be that healer in time but never leaving it to chance. Others can DPS and someone can tank. I will not let anyone die!
everything i was a balancer, then in dragonflight i try healing and through out dragonflight i love healing..but i msis being a moonkin moonfiring star throwing druid…now I'm a balancer again..but i guess half of me miss healing..since now my healing is so low while fighting these spiders!!!
😂😂😂😂 I felt this
I love healing, especially Druid healing, but my god it's so much harder in WWI 😂