When the healer wants to go back been a dps player #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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43 thoughts on “When the healer wants to go back been a dps player #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. i played pally and healing felt like a dpser, same meters to top, cause they still died on wipes no matter how much u healed them, so resurrection was needed, NDE 45 minutes with Jesus

  2. 😩guilty, I’d switch from my holy priest to shadow which i didn’t care for to get gear for my holy. Healing was stressing me out 😭, like are you blind to see my call for a mana break 🤬. The couple times I tanked I kept an eye on the healer’s mana.

  3. Healing has kept me in the game more than anything else. But it feels tougher than ever so far this xpac. I haven't got to play much. But just started in mythic 0s. And maybe imma tad undergrad but I'm struggling. Even on shaman

  4. I main a healer after years of DPSing solely because I don't trust anyone else but myself in a Mythic+ group. I think it's seldom that a good healer comes and geniuenly tries to keep everyone alive—I'll get better and better and be that healer in time but never leaving it to chance. Others can DPS and someone can tank. I will not let anyone die!

  5. everything i was a balancer, then in dragonflight i try healing and through out dragonflight i love healing..but i msis being a moonkin moonfiring star throwing druid…now I'm a balancer again..but i guess half of me miss healing..since now my healing is so low while fighting these spiders!!!


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