When the max-level Druid spots you from a tree in travel form #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #shorts December 6, 2024 by Dvalin Gaming Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg When the max-level Druid spots you from a tree in travel form… and you know it’s over #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #mmorpg #mmo #thewarwithin #warwithin #gaming source
My opener as a feral does so much damage most people don't even have time to counter. It's honestly op and I would understand a nerf 😂 Reply
Nobody is scared of druids
They should be :D❤❤❤ Love this video!!!!!❤❤❤
Isn't world pvp dead in wow
So cool, So true!
Warrior: 🥰
(laughing in my best Rogue accent)
He knows I know. It's over
And then he finds out i'am a protection paladin❤❤❤
I have watched a prot pally try to take out a resto druid. He failed. Miserably.
Never happened
Gnomes beware
Get in the freezing trap boy, spottet you 5 minutes ago 🚬
My opener as a feral does so much damage most people don't even have time to counter. It's honestly op and I would understand a nerf 😂