When the top 2 dps in the guild meet each other #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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15 thoughts on “When the top 2 dps in the guild meet each other #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. But then suddenly! The healer struts out between the two gazes and showers everyone with a healing spell. "Now you be good, or thats the last one you get" the healer says as they take their place next to the tank

  2. I remember that feeling all too well in cata back then when DS was current and I was new to the game. It was always my old gm who was spriest and me being an unh dk and we would always fight in dps being neck and neck lol. He would also try to kill me with leap of faith on the bridge in FL and right before boat in DS lol. It was great times and had that moment when SL was new and I was in another guild doing CN except for Denathrius because abom limb was op af for that fight


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