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When you join a 2v2 arena, but the other team only has one player, so your friend insists on soloing it #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming
The unspoken rule of every pvp veteran
If you dont do this then no respect from me. I once had this happen to me, won the 1v1 and his mate walked up to me /saluted and left
I did this where somehow me and my partner matched with him twice in a row and we both took turns 1v1
I would 1v2 people all the time boosting in 2s arena, i wouldnt always win but when I did I felt like a king 😄
Is that Liam O'Brian voice I hear?
I’ll respect that….unless you’re horde scum
Back in the early days of old burning crusade arena, a bug happened to me for our benefit.
I was alliance starting a 2v2 and for some reason, we had an ally horde druid on our team, making it a 3v2. It happened only once.
I heard the campaign was decent.
He got oneshoted 100%
Yea, and my friend would own most people but that one shaman who beat him and I had to solo the guy as a healing Druid. Let’s just say, one of us ran out of mana before the other. And I always come out on top unless it was a shadow priest which I would always lose. One day. . . I will find a way.
Where is this scene from?
I loved the good old. Pvp Times, but now its only stupidity and toxicatin.
We need this Tmogs