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Outro Song: All Fires – Don’t Say Manhattan
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#goldenguardians #wowpvp #pikaboo
LMAO pure gold
my homeboy
I leveled a Rogue to 70 and nearly broke my wrist. Idk how people play them seriously lol.
“You know what I mean”
Lmao made my day.
I quit playing it more than a decade ago, but i understand it lol love it
Bro this guy has a Girlfriend thought!!!!!!
A snapchat? I kidneyshot girl
he is every girl's dream
lowkey, that is THE MOVE
Rogue is the Beethoven of Classes
i can like shadowblades out of stealth into a shadowstrike <3
I was gonna make fun of him then remembered i play wow )-:
Can we plant flag of ownership , yell battleshout , talk shit in white letters ? Mount a Longboi , argent squire pet sound effects , 5 more plz
Better question have u ever got a flag of ownership card froma girl , try again
Again with Feral druid plz
Show us live reaction to getting Warglaives of Azzninoth
I laughed so hard at this…gj mister
Finger game stronk
fyi its all with macros you actually think pika presses all those buttons?..lmao.
love this kid
Been rogue since Wrath… Yeah, it really is like that
The game came out so long ago that us WoW players often underestimate just how much there is to learn before you even begin to understand how to play. The barrier to entry for new WoW players is absolutely brutal. It’s the only game where you simply can’t compete in raids or PvP unless you have a slew of carefully crafted and customized addons.
You just made my day
I have had a wife since this year and I still haven’t got a Snapchat from a girl.
Oh god, I took a break for a while. It’s good to see Pika again 🎉
Bro!? social life with these hours of play?😂😂😂😂😂😂😅🎉🎉🎉
haha 😀
If it's just that easy why didn't you win the hardcore tournament 😭
Where's that one where he did this but in a suit in realtime?
That snachat shit was funny
When I’m useing ret paladin