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Picking a new class for Shadowlands Patch 9.1 can be a difficult decision when looking to get into competitive PvP & Arena. Many classes have seen changes, and classes such as Frost DKs and Assassination Rogues. Additionally, healing classes such as Holy Paladins and Mistweaver Monks have also received changes that may alter their overall viability.
Unlike typical tier lists, this video aims to help your decision on picking a new class a bit easier. I will be breaking down all DPS and healing classes to offer insight on their expected overall performance. Rather than telling you what class to pick, I’m simply looking to offer you the opportunity to make an informed decision. As always, this is only advice, and you are free to pick any class of your choice. Thank You!
Live Stream (M-W-F 12pm PST):
0:00 Intro
0:45 Color Key
1:22 Melee DPS
11:48 Ranged DPS
17:57 Healers
24:56 General Thoughts
Best class to play is the unsub button. Slands is going the way of heroes of the storm
I just wish casual pvp wasn't the worst it's ever been and wasn't getting worse.
just quit garbage retail and play a fun game tbc 🙂
Anyone else’s nose itch when he said his nose was itching ?!
The correct answer is to play TBC
Hey! returning player here i can't decide if i should go with warrior or rogue and last but not least alliance or horde ? (most of my friends went horde they say horde have better racials and overall better comunity for pve and pvp content )
Stoopz!!!!!! You didn't cover Prot pala?!?! xD!!!
Aint no one playing 9.1 man /FacePalm
What do you mean exactly by : Setup ?
Lord and Savior Stoopzz, are you going to make a video about how terrible Shards of Domination are going to be if they are active in rated PvP?
What about Beastcleave for Enhancement?
Seems like it'll be strong again with BM being a top ranged spec.
I love your guides!!
Hey! You mentioned a couple of times in the vid that you do coaching. How or where does one sign up for this service? I am a returning player looking to improve my skillset. I DO NOT want to buy rating as my desire is to learn and improve as a player.
Man i love you for real, you and Skillcapped are the only ones keeping the pvp of this game alive.
It fills me with joy to see the notification theres been a new vid from you!
What do you think of this crazy idea, what if the pvp in WoW could be another separate universe? with no gear progression, and a new 2v2 arena ranked with no healers allowed with also a matchmaking system? Dont you all just hate we are playing a minigame (PvP) inside the real game (PvE)?
Its been 15 years since the first Arenas, i think PvP deserves it, Battlegrounds and Arenas are too fun and somethig you wont find anywhere else!… there are even complete games based on some WoW minigames like the MOBA genere, DOTA was inspired by Alterac Basin, and now look at League of Legends, its now bigger than WoW and it started from it. Why WoW can't do the same? are they just a bunch of fucking nerd pveers everyone in the office???? u.u
sorry about the rant, im just a 32 years old tired pvp player.
great video thank you
WW monks forgotten rip 🪦
Im playing enhancement for pve but it does feel like blizzard only cares about casters like ele and resto
12:44 you don't have to CAST nananana plugging my ears as destro warlock lol.
i hope 9.1 dont look like… okok im done
you should stop playing this side job trash cashgrabber game
lol Stoopz what is your icon? Just a pretty little kitty? Or does it have lore!
I'm honestly surprised how no one in the PvP community is talking about the Hunter weapon legendary. That shit is gonna be so broken for the few people that get it, maybe even more than Shadow Mourne was IMO. At least in hots Sylvanas Arrow literally carries games with 1 fight so imagine it being in WoW for every arena game/ RBG
THe big question is. should we play 9.1 with all the COD bugs?
missed that chin
Windwalker desperately needs at least one more defensive buff they’re very squishy.
i mean 90% of people don't change their main mid expansion to a new class that they have 0 gear 0 experience on and that might not even have leveled up
Chill streak and bitter chill nerfed
How is arcane mage so overrated in every pvp tier list in SL, yet everyone in game says it sucks and they dont want to play with you 🤔?
I think I’m gonna main New World in 9.1
Stoopz almost makes me want to try this game again… Almost. Then I remember it still doesn't have soloqueue in 2021, sitting around in lfg for hours trying trying one edgelord after another who leave after one loss even if it was their fault.
Blizzard is such a shell of it's former glory as a company. They implement a system to favor boosting so they can sell tokens to make up for their plumiting sub numbers. You hit 60, get a little gear and step into the arena just to face people with double your hp and damage over and over and over. Then Blizzard plays it down as if it's not that bad (it is) and totally ignores all the requests of the community during an almost year long content draught.
The game is pay to win now, simple as that.
Hey stoopz. You mention in your video that rogue and warrior don't really go together in 3v3, and I was wondering to what extent you are talking about here. To what kind of rating do you think rogue, warrior and holy pal kind climb if you are decent players that have reached 2k in other expansions. Like can this setup make it to 2k rating or would that just be a crazy hard grind?
I‘ve got no intentions of coming back in 9.1
Im fairly new to the game i was wanting to know what would be a good. Class where i can survive pve and pvp…and do massive damage and a class that isnt gonna get boring
Hybrid Healing Nerfs (Posted 6/24)
Healing Surge healing reduced by 12%
Mana regeneration reduced by 22%
Healing Hands (Talent) increase to Word of Glory healing reduced to 50% (was 70%).
Regrowth reduced by 15% for Feral Druids.
feral regen healing reduced by 15%
Keep this in mind when picking your class!
Why not separate pvp gear from pve gear as in the gear you get from pvp you can't use in pve and the gear you get in pve you can't use in pvp