Which Class Should You Play in DRAGONFLIGHT? World of Warcraft

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Which Class Should You Play in DRAGONFLIGHT WoW
BEST Class to Play in Dragonflight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_c0Rdbu2rs
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World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The game was announced in 2001, and was released for the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise on November 23, 2004. Since launch, World of Warcraft has had eight major expansion packs: The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), Mists of Pandaria (2012), Warlords of Draenor (2014), Legion (2016), Battle for Azeroth (2018), and Shadowlands (2020), with a ninth, Dragonflight, currently in development.

Similar to other MMORPGs, the game allows players to create a character avatar and explore an open game world in third- or first-person view, exploring the landscape, fighting various monsters, completing quests, and interacting with non-player characters (NPCs) or other players. The game encourages players to work together to complete quests, enter dungeons and engage in player versus player (PvP) combat, however, the game can also be played solo without interacting with others. The game primarily focuses on character progression, in which players earn experience points to level up their character to make them more powerful and buy and sell items using in-game currency to acquire better equipment, among other game systems.

00:00 Introduction
00:53 Choose A Role
06:54 Class Aesthetic
08:05 Which Tank Is For You?
14:37 Which Healer Is For You?
22:02 Which DPS Is For You?

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-Music by Epidemic Sound-

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41 thoughts on “Which Class Should You Play in DRAGONFLIGHT? World of Warcraft”

  1. In terms of relevant information this is the best class picking guide i have ever seen
    You truly understand the game and what parameters matter
    Perfect would have been gameplay footage to showcase what is talked about

  2. Great comparison guide! Very thorough and detailed! May I add that Hunters are both melee and ranged dps, and though their mobility in sheer movement doesn't match other high mobility classes, Disengage + posthaste + aspect of the cheetah makes you pretty mobile, coupled with BM being the only true mobile ranged dps speaks volumes for mobility during combat

  3. I'm somewhat new to the game and have levelled a bit but was still unsure about what class to main. I've been looking through the internet a lot th last 2 weeks and found nothing relevent or comprehensible for me. I've just stumbled across this channel and now know almost everything i wanted to know and decided to go with shaman. Good Work!

  4. I’m new to world of Warcraft, but not to an MMO. What class would be good for me if I like a character that can solo dungeons, world bosses, etc. what has a good self heal and survivability?

  5. Ill be playing; Monk, DH, Warrior, DK, Paladin, Rogue, and.. oh man send help. Really tho its a tossup between DH, monk, and warrior. Warrior was my first main Monk released and became my main till DH released. Now im in a everlasting battle trying to decide between the 3.

  6. #1 How much time do have? Very little? Tank….fastest Q's….easier questing. Time is the difference between geared or not. Not much else. Skill doesn't decide anything if you can't invest the time.

  7. Which classes should you play? None! lol. Play a music instrument instead and do something usefull with your time. I stopped playing and never looked back. Wow and its never ending gear treadmill can kiiss me rear end. I play drums now. 5 songs under my belt. Yeah baby.

  8. Great video but I did just want to correct that Shamans also have a melee and ranged DPS spec alongside being able to heal so that is not unique to Druid; being the only tank with both a melee and ranged spec however is true.

  9. hmm usually i go to warriors, big dmg bulky guys.. but been thinking and i kinda am more of a team player, want to help friends out,… so was thinking protection paladin fits me more. but the thing 'scaring' me is. im a pretty casual so leaving behind my warrior feels bad (gonna switch to horde as paladin). on the warrior i did both pve/pvp (fury/arms) . i guess il have to play both ret and protection on the paladin then? or if i wonna pvp just hop back on my warrior maybe.. any advice? 😀

  10. i just started wow this week and after hours and hours and hours of watching vides, i finally found a good one explainging all of them, thank you ! you did a great job, coming from a new player

  11. I left WoW right before Legion and I remember you had to buy every single expansion and install them before you could install the latest one. Is that still the case and How much space do I need for everything up to Dragonflight?


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