who remembers this world of warcraft Advert #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft May 20, 2024 by Shax Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg source
Remmeber when mountain dew code red collabed with warcraft I used to get my mom to buy them all the time 🤣 Reply
Played AT LEAST 3 times during Monday Night Raw commercial breaks back in the mid 2000s. Damn dude, you really just unlocked a deep memory. Reply
These commercials mixxed with celebrities later coming out admitting they actually were addicted to WoW is what got me to play WoW lol Reply
Back when everyone was playing wow. Those were the days…I dont understand how blizzard let that go Reply
lol that was when I realized that 'rock' wasn't serious and it was all a joke. I got Mr. T doing it, but this just showed him as what I now know is cringe. Reply
Ozzy is not really playing that game .
I was there 3000 years ago
lol his undead warlock avatar suits him so well
ah the golden age
Remmeber when mountain dew code red collabed with warcraft I used to get my mom to buy them all the time 🤣
Played AT LEAST 3 times during Monday Night Raw commercial breaks back in the mid 2000s. Damn dude, you really just unlocked a deep memory.
Nothing like the NE mohawk though.
These commercials mixxed with celebrities later coming out admitting they actually were addicted to WoW is what got me to play WoW lol
This commercial was fire ! Almost made me buy the game honestly 😂
Ah yes, the old days when WoW was still fun.
Back when everyone was playing wow. Those were the days…I dont understand how blizzard let that go
Damn this brings back some good memories of a carefree time with some awesome mates.
the glasses are actually ingame years later lolol
and the Mr T mow hawk commercial 😀
I remember the red and blue World of Warcraft MTN DEW
Mannnnnn. Peak gaming era right there.
World of fukin wot?
Ich bin osi Osborn und hab zu geschaut wie die Pyramiden gebaut wurden
that sounds like brandon rogers as director
lol that was when I realized that 'rock' wasn't serious and it was all a joke. I got Mr. T doing it, but this just showed him as what I now know is cringe.
That advert & that southpark episode are what got me into wow 👌
i remember these days, wish i could go back
Man. WoW was always cringe.
Funny commercial tho.
Back when wow was actually good