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This keeps WoW Dragonflight from getting new players.
by @hatthebear
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I’ve only really ever played gta 5 but I want to play a game where there it’s open world and there is a lot of other players playing. What would you guys recommend for that
I try to play wow everytime summer starts. Everytime I shift delete after a few hours due to how boring the spells are. Every single different spell its just the same cinematic that does something else. Terrible!!!!!!! And maan, I am trying to like it .. but I just can t.
Also the fact that at lvl8 you have 9 skills
im playing free trial wow till i get my money then sub to play classic
I was gonna play this but cancelled my install while watching. Maybe I'll give classic (only 5 gigabytes too) a shot later, but to pay $15 just to play a game for only one month and on top of that still not get the DLC is astonishing. You could buy the Arkham series, the Witcher 3, Slay the Spire, or Project Zomboid for that price and play them indefinitely, not just for a month.
The new player experience is horrible and they really need to address it if the game is to grow instead of stagnate.
Guy finishes dungeons without dying. Most of the time he dont even gets demage. Still he finds it hard. GOD, this triggers memories in me of entire afternoons on Deadmines.
I finished FFXIV and was bored so I quit it and tried out WoW for the 1st time ever and I must say I was disapointed how slow and non intuitive things are exactly like on 3:05 when I should use skill I'm not even aware I have also had HUGE issue with keybindings for some reason sound was disapearing even tho it was keybind to a hotbar for a skill it was super anoying. First 20 lvls are kinda interesting and race/job specific and kinda ok but then after lvl 20 it gets so boring I quit as soon as I got to lvl 40ish …
my only problem is that when you cross the barrier into "chosen one/champion" territory there is no going back. it gets old being referred to as the "champion" by all of the most notable heroic characters like thrall, and there is no way to go back to being just a nobody or a rank and file soldier in future expansions because of that.
In vermintide II, it's so great that you level a race instead, then have access to all that race archetypes of classes. Much more motivating, you unlock the differents archetype as you level, you go and try the new ones, come back to the first to see the differences…
these server things like new player or in the case of the new fresh start ones Swtor is bringing in is something my discord is talking about and in response to this we are going to form our guilds in the games we play in all the servers so people know we are around and members of them in others can just join and know they have a guild that will help them for some games it does mean a few of us are going to have to pay to transfer one of our high level chars and all their items to the new one so we can get the new guilds up and running but we have always stood by the simple fact we will help players that want or need it and ensure that we will help them to enjoy the game the way they want to and not force them into the content they dont
What an insanely awful video asmond looked at.
"Let me how you why this game is bad for new players"
> Proceed to just talk about the time to kill on his frostbolt and the loot he couldn't equiped.
Never even once talked about the questing experience.
Never even once talked about interacting with other players.
Never even once talked about how he unlocked new features.
Never even once talked about how lost he could be in the world or any other things an actual new player could be feeling while interacting with a brand new MMO they have never played with.
The guy basically never talked about what we call the "FTUE" (first time user experience) here, he just…. I don't know, complain about how his solo rpg had bad scalling of damage?
This guy forgot to reset the tutorial in the options. Where to find abilities and so on is described in the beginning
Not sure if it was just a rumor but I heard there might be plans to actually get into a dungeon solo with NPCs helping ya. To be honest – I hope this will happen. Playing together with others nowadays drives me away hardcore. More than the game. Players either dont say a damn word, neither in raids nor in groups, 80% of randoms youll meet are not patient enough to get over 1 single wipe or maybe they are even down right rude if someone is a casual and doesn't know the dungeon by heart. After the Dungeon finder it turned into a pain in the ass to play with others. Back then you actually had to be likeable to be invited so people were kinda respectful. (Even though there were exceptions too) I really like Dragonflight, I MOSTLY like how the game develops but playing with the community from the servers I know … thanks but no thanks. So it turns into a single player game because the contacts you have to make just dont mean anything anymore whatsoever. It's damn sad. Might as well improve single player qualities of the game.
I haven’t played since 2007. Man I loved the game back then. Seems like a totally different game these days.
The first part is just too easy and boring.
I truly feel like the main reason WoW can't get new players is all the negative news/opinion of the game that's out there. What's the first thing you would do as a new person looking at a game. Watch the YouTube videos related to that game.
How much money they want for basic stuff lmao.
My first attempt at Exile's Reach was full of spammers too. Wild that its such a common experience.
I'm a new player, I just hit 70 in dragonflight, I'm also a mage and the difficulty made it a little fun ngl, but one thing I took from this video… wtf are heirlooms, when does the game teach me that ????
You will find a lot of high level losers playing this game. They will ignore you and kick you with no explanation. You will know the ones that haven’t stepped in the sun days at a time just by playing with them for 15 seconds. No exaggeration.
Wow you get gold seller ads right of the bat 🤣
Blizzard is just a sadness factory by now