Why are addons allowed in Warcraft Classic?

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Why are addons are in Warcraft Classic? #warcraftclassic #gamer #gaming #gamingcommunity #twitchclips #worldofwarcraft #game #gamingvideos #mmorpg #openworldgames #warcraft


43 thoughts on “Why are addons allowed in Warcraft Classic?”

  1. Addons on retail are now as effective as any hacks in the other games. It gives you such a big advantage that you can't be competitive without using it. Kinda absurd concept to just 'accept' using third party software on tripple a title online game just because its been that way, when addons themselves evolved too much.

  2. Your high as fuck if u think I'm not using voice over, details, weapon swing timer, bagnon or elvUI. I can do without weak auras which is prolly the most op shit or deadly boss mods. But I'm not gonna get rid of QoL addons

  3. This has been a point of contention since beta. Its been proven that there is a few vocal "purist" gamers, who dont like addons, and thats fine. However, the vast majority of people having a problem with this, is because they underperform all those metrics being tracked. You can whine and moan about it all you want, but its the truth.

  4. Sorry to say.. it's a 20 year old game. There were years of no addons when we were all new to the game in 2004. If you missed that era, too bad. It's not ever coming back, and add-ons in 2024 in WoW are not going anywhere.

    Classic is like Frankenstein, 4 times now, it has been born and reborn. (Vanilla, Classic, Hardcore, SoD) The best thing we can do for WoW classic now is let it rest in peace and move on. 😅

  5. Addons are the answer to blizzards lack of effort on the ui front, not using them cause you consider them cheating is like not using mirrors on your vehicle cause you can just turn your head around to look

  6. The only addons that should be removed in my opinion are the addons that track dungeon and raid mechanics like DBM. I think it trivializes a lot of fights and forces blizzard to make bosses so hard that you're forced to use DBM. I think bosses particularly retail bosses wouldn't need to be so difficult if DBM wasn't a thing. They could still be difficult but simply banning the use of DBM would add a ton of difficulty without needing to artificially add more difficulty for no reason.

  7. I've seen multiple videos of you having bad takes and talking avout players should play how they want and not be forced to play how they don't want. And now you want to force the ban of add-ons? How about some consistency with your beliefs?

  8. Wouldn't that name be the opposite of what it means to have Freedom? While I do think the idea is cool – I'd have trouble enjoying the default UI they keep reusing for Classic WoW.

  9. Lets solve gatekeeping by gatekeeping in a different way is all I just heard.

    If they want to fix this problem then they should find ways to hook players up with other players who are of similar mindset. If two people play in completely different ways and are not going to get along in any way forcing them to play together is not going to solve problems at all. If anything it will exacerbate the situation forcing the two to work together because ultimately they have different ways of playing and different objectives when going into the game.

    And if there are not enough casual players or people who want to tutor to support this then there is really nothing that can reasonably be done because it will just cause division.

  10. You don't want to use add-ons don't fucking use them. There's no gear score or io score to go by in classic. If you're not getting picked that's on you. Go get friends or get good

  11. I mean people used add ons in vanilla… they aren’t new they just got more advanced and useful. Plus some addons are required for classic, like questie because people don’t fancy wandering around for an hour for 1 quest. It’ll make the boring ass leveling even more tedious and bland

  12. Addons has always been around. Nothing new to see. However the log and gs hording of the community is what is keeping new players or less skilled players from progressing. Even casual guilds have and is using these metrics to pick and form rosters. I see many people struggling getting a fair shot, due to these standards. Same thing can be said about the whole class picking for rosters, where 90% of guilds just copy paste the same setup used by the best in the world, without knowing the thoughts behind it, and how to utilize it properly


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