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Raaped 😂
Whoever you are mr random wow player with the immersive comedic commentary, I salute you 🫡 (great little random clips in my notifications while getting drunk and otherwise in Thailand at random regular bars and locations around the north region, As a nerd that has hundreds of hours or more in this game including classic at a high grind, you are fulfilling the seemingly lifelong slight craving or urge to come back to wow, for whatever reasons, yet sadly I cannot find the time, so these little clips keep the cravings at bay) ❤
Sod has got to be the gayest version of wowcraft
Wonder if they're high enough up where they can't get back to their bodies, might be a spirit rez haha
My hero
Oh you're playing OG wow when we first got wings?!?! HAHAHAHA
What item did you use to slow fall?
Lights justice has been served!
Doing moonfirebeam special.
Why you so good
What is this??? To the graveyard!
Good thing deaths are cheap in wow compared to a game called asherons call i played in the early 2000s you die there you lose 5 of your most valuable items for each 20 levels and all your skills are reduced by 5% max 20%
Pala now can slowfall?
Why did that shaman have a thunder fury?
The hammer of justice reaching even high levels, well done brother of the light
Might as well getting r14 for pride of the alliance bro, damn.
Whoa those have been the same doors as BRD this whole time…?
Clasic sod sucks
I mean any other class this would be impressive but your a braindead pally with 3 buttons
One of the last sod players standing /salute
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