Why do they do it? -Ret PvP LvL 60 -SoD #worldofwarcraft

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24 thoughts on “Why do they do it? -Ret PvP LvL 60 -SoD #worldofwarcraft”

  1. Whoever you are mr random wow player with the immersive comedic commentary, I salute you 🫡 (great little random clips in my notifications while getting drunk and otherwise in Thailand at random regular bars and locations around the north region, As a nerd that has hundreds of hours or more in this game including classic at a high grind, you are fulfilling the seemingly lifelong slight craving or urge to come back to wow, for whatever reasons, yet sadly I cannot find the time, so these little clips keep the cravings at bay) ❤

  2. Good thing deaths are cheap in wow compared to a game called asherons call i played in the early 2000s you die there you lose 5 of your most valuable items for each 20 levels and all your skills are reduced by 5% max 20%


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