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World of Warcraft Shadowlands and the Jailer seems to really need Azeroth for something, what could it all mean?
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Eonar's power created Ysera, also Eonar was still active during the dragons time unlike the others also we don't know how much Eonar's been in the dream, it being Azeroth when she has no problem with any other denizens of Azeroth makes no sense
Like why isnt the WQ scoffing everytime I role up with a problem
Ok First Ones stuff is made by the Eternal Ones now or do you mean it was locked by them?
Holy shit Sargeras was right all along and we are going to have to release him to kill Azeroth
Honestly I personally think Zovaal is the Skyfather or Blue Child trying to reclaim his family
I thought azeroth was a possibility after the cinematic, although I believe azerite is a combination of two substances, the blue is very jailer colour scheme, the gold I would imagine to be azeroths energy/blood/soul.
We know for a fact azerite existed before, due to Gallywix, and you mentioned oribos is made out of an unknown metal of speckled blue and gold.
Perhaps if azeroths blood is somehow light linked, it could also explain why the jailer is so obsessive over light wielding characters.
Those antlers got some mighty azerite looking leaves.
Does anyone know what energy kyrians use? Is it the light? Because it's blue.. More aesthetically similar to Ardenweld's magic..
Speculation gone wrong. This is hilarious 🙂
If the winter queen has a sister who the heck are the parents
But that means Azeroth will never awaken = infinite amount of expansions
Also would explain why the well of eternity exited on a small planet.
This is the first time you put out a theory I can't buy.
Tbh, the Jailer doesn't seem that strong. Sure, he is not full power, but still…
And Azeroth, bro, she ain't part of nothing. If she has an attitude then it's something around, "Fuck the cosmical forces, fuck the pantheon, fuck whatever, this is my universe! I do what I want! I like mortals, even adopted some! Cool, thanks, bye."
Accolon, I'm your huge fan, and I love the lore of warcraft for more than 10 years. But I think by far this is the worst idea ever, from pure logic. What do we know about souls? How can a being be itself without its soul? In fact every being is a soul and the physical body is just its emanation. You can read some ancient occult books about the souls, the difference between soul and spirit, and the body. You can break someone's spirit, you can break his body but you can't destroy his soul. Souls are infinite sparks of divinity and an echo of the will of the Creator (the clockmaker). So if the Jailer is missing his soul then his body would have just been an empty lifeless shell – rotting corpse, unless he(as his soul) is inside Azeroth and the actual jailer we see is just his avatar. I hope you understand this true canonical principe of how important is the soul and how does it work. There are many books and authors on this topic, one of them, for example, is Aleister Crowley, another one is Hermes Trismegistus, I highly recommend em, you'll be shocked how much wow's lore is based on the occult.
P. S. I still enjoyed watching this video like every other before. 🙂
I like this theory much more than her sister being Elune, NGL. Still not 100% sure I buy it, but it fits a bit better.
I still think it more likely that somehow the Titans and their higher ups subjugated the realm of death and left Watchers down there to make sure that things ran as they wanted them to.
I really like this theory!
Imagine if you needed the heart of azeroth to get through the opening maw questline because its the key to activating the way gate.
Look at the leaves on the Winter Queen and compare it to how Azerite looks. It has exactly the same color pattern.
@Accolonn and what if what broke the arbiter was the sword of Sargeras hitting Zovals soulprison in the core of the planet. The arbiter azeroth and zoval are clearly connected somehow. She looked like she was stabbed by a big red thing. Just watch the 2 videos side by side. As soon as Sargeras starts lowering his blade time it with the red beam appearing, it hits the arbiter as soon as the blade stops.
What if a stabing Azeroth breaks a Arbiter ? Maybe some connection there ?
Wait, if the Dragons are creation of Azeroth and if Azeroth is part to the Shadow realm then shouldt all the shouls of the dragons go to the shadowlands? We dont see anyone then Ysera there. And if the dragons dont have a soul, then why is Ysera "Soul" in a seed ?
Was just watching the Shadowlands xpac cinematic again and my jaw dropped when Sylvanas tells Bolvar “this world is a prison” O.O
this is definately a theory i can get behind. Because in the cinematic where sylvanas gets hold of azerite for the first time she has a reaction like she has seen this before and its familiar
his soul is in the rift of Aln? and the nightmare is zuvaal's pressence getting gradually stronger…
All hail Sylvanas
Could the Winter Queen be a dragon?
I'm not familiar with how the dragon flights and what not work exactly.
But "this one of her sister" is a dragon and, so far, all "humanoid" forms of dragons I've seen – except for Chromie – have glowy eyes, horn like things (okay, maybe not Wrathion on this one point either) and an eye-catching flair for fashion.
Could it be possible that the Shadowlands have a Dragon Flight of their own?
Could the Winter Queen and whoever she calls sister share a parent/two parents?
Haha, yeah, I know, I need to do research but there is soooo much lore out there, maybe you guys can point me in the right direction?
"You couldn't be more off, just don't chase this theory," is valid advice too. 😉
The boy king serves at the masters table. Void does not see time like we do. And now anduin is proposed to join the jailer against his will. Seems like there is a connection between old gods and the jailer.
I think I believe now that Azeoth is not a titan, but at least an Eternal One, maybe even a First One. There is definetely a hierarchy here. I'm beginning to think Azeroth is a First One, maybe a mother so to speak of the Eternal Ones. I think maybe Zovaal became too powerful for the other Eternal Ones, or brothers and sisters if you will, to be controlled. He didnt play nice anymore and Azeroth took away the power in his chest that makes him whole. If it so happens that Zovaal claims what is his, Azeroth will most certainly awaken to set things right again. Her conscienceness is so vast that she can sense the goings on in the SLs. I think she has stirred which could be a link to the Arbiter when she stirred when we 1st appeared in Oribos. Us as Azeroth's champions hopefully can get the job done again, or I think it may come down to Azeroth laying down the law again.
I will post this shit again 🙂
The Lore of the Shadowlands, Breaking an Arbiter, Anduin and the Light and the Winter Queen
3 weeks ago
"What if Winter Queen's sister is Azeroth 🙂 ? Before dragonflights we had proto-dragons and they have descended from elementals and elementals were formed by the Azeroth. So we can say that dragons are guardians/pets of Azeroth."
I am not sure if Azeroth has 2nd soul inside her, but I think she is directly connected with Zovaal (maybe twins? – some kind of power were splitted among them?). But that seems like Zovaal sister is Winter Queen and she betrayed Zovaal. Not sure how exactly how they are connected but as champions we know not much about Azeroth, in the other hand it seems like Zovaal knows too much. Also for me it is weird that Azeroth is being stabbed and Zovaal is like "hmmmh OK – everything is planned". He knows the outcome of this step. Also thing to point out, he gave Sargeras the Frostmourne, so he is a pantient mastermind looking for his chance since looooong time and he is preparing for something.
Also important thing for me is question, why he slowly strikes now. When Lich King get out of Legion's control, Zovaal could tell Sargeras – hey dude it's okay, everything is planned – instead we had war between LK and Legion. IMO something is missing. It looks like Zovaal is pushing the whole universe to finish his preparations – Nathrezim purpose. He needs a representative of Light.
Moreover why he kidnaped Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and Baine?? It think it is not because they are leading the factions very well. It is becouse of their powers and plan to make a vessels from them. But why???? Anduin – light, Jaina – arcane, Thrall & Baine – nature.
Right now I came up with new theory that we have seen scene of Sire Denathrius inprisonment because something is sealed by the light that Zovaal cannot access? Or not only by the light, remember that Nathrezims were absorbing fel energy for some process. Maybe he needs all powers of 6 cosmological force's to start his plan.
Also it is stupid idea to imprison in a shadowlands a person who is connected to death. And lets say that Zovaal aim was Azeroth 99999999 years ago then he got imprisoned in the shadowlands. Now we know that Emerald Dream is connected to Shadowlands. It is stupid idea to imprison person soo close to the Azeorth. They could have chosen different realm, away from his powers.
Thats why Azerite is different colors…..
Azeroth is her sister
Just look at the pictures of Mother, Jailor and the Arbiter and u will realise how right he is. There must be some resemblence between them. I also think that Azeroth carryes 2 souls inside, thats why she is so powerfull. And i think the soul that Sargeras wounded is Azeroth True soul, thats why The Jailor decided to strike aginst it now, because she is weakened.
Found your channel today, and i'm in love with your speculations. I love to hear other people's thoughts with mine, now i will start with your videos ;D
Azeroth is a Dreadlord.
Mueh'zala whispered to sylvanas not the jailer
Maybe that's why magni was turned diamond so he couldn't get the whispers of the old god's.He should be the pawn of azeroth. If your theory is right then why construct the emerald dream. I think something more like this… We already know there's a pantheon of death of sorts a "duality". Where they keep zoval in prison. Azeroth is the same.The pantheon knows what happened with sargeras and could keep him in check but what of azeroth if it is so powerful. So they keep the planet in prison because it's already seen the legion the old god's.Who knows what happens if it's birthed. Something with that much power could break order. Same with zoval. Sylvan as said this whole world is a prison and she meant for Azeroth. Sargeras could have destroyed azeroth he did not.We did something with that sword in the planet to netralize it.Which I think we just slowed down not stopped and will have to be revisited to complete maybe with mournblades to reinfuse.Maybe the heart of azeroth is what zoval needs for his chest.Azeroth could be the battery he needs to break free a very powerful soul.zoval could also be part of azeroth the bad part held at Bay in his prison in the shadowlands where the good part is kept dreaming in reality
the dragon flights were empowered by the titans yes but the titans did NOT create them they had already exsisted before hand it even states that they were most likely born from Azeroth herself as their spirits are connected
A new theory just exploded in my head. The Archon is Azeroth, they used the Jailer soul to power up the Archon body, that needs 2 souls to power up the sleeping Titan. They, the titans race, Titans, Eternal Ones, First Ones, are doing this to research the Anima technology, because of the problem of the Old Gods that are imbedded in the crust, this way you never have to awaken a titan, you put their soul into a vessel.
The Archon is Elune or WAS, but when she took the mantle of Archon, it needed the soul of the previous Archon of Shadowlands, Zovaal to merge with her own to become one being to sort the souls, just like the helm. In Shadowlands, everybody loses their memories, with time and depending of the being power, they remember only The Purpose.