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Hey all, wanted to provide my story of Why I Left Fortnite and Returned to World of Warcraft. I hope you guys enjoy and see where I’m coming from. I’m excited to be making WoW videos again!
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imma be honest, i was srsly shocked u went for fortnite and was super sad cause i always LOVED your wow vids, big fan. So no surprise should be im shocked again seeing this but also just overjoyed with this news, next question is probably a dumb one but any chance you'll fuck around in TBC? ^^ Glad you're back man <3
Welcome back, more pvp videos like the mop days if you feel like it! A legend
Welcome back man!
Holy shit
Welcome back buddy
Nice that ur back but better play fortnite wow suckssssss ultraaaa atm
sick the return of hogman. you missed the big shadowlands influx tho
Great video, great story. the future is bright bro
Cartoonz is back
wb bro
Welcome back!!! Still remember watching old Cartoonz montages like 8 years ago!
Welcome back! I remember the old Cartoonz from MOP. Good to have you back.
About fucking time you came back
Legendary Cartooons is BACK gg
You are right about one thing, we are loyal players, I been a player for 13 years thru thick and thin and use to follow you, welcome back you got my subscription back again
The fact you returned should be a celebration on the mage scene, I am surprised you are atm low on views, should go asap making a trio with xar and hansol, since a 3s with current fire mages would be real pepega
I left wow when warlords of draenor came out, cus pvp really sucked at that point compared to MoP. Now I see that the max level is 60 right? What happened?
about time! WB
So glad you are back I used to watch all your WoW videos!
i remember your shit back in the day back in MOP still gonna say still bis expac
Holy shit, I just used you as an example of a streamer that I used to watch all the time and that disappeared from my feed.
Happy for you man…. you do you.
He is back <3 the reason why I switched to Mage
Just play Valorant
NO! I know you from CATA videos!!
So! you have to be cartooz again.
When you coming back to warzone hogman?
Man I haven't seen you since the fire mage one shot macros back in cataclysm, missed your videos man. I don't play the game anymore but you really shaped me as a mage. Glad you're back!
You left WoW to make a bunch of money with Fortnite, but your channel never blew up for some reason. You're a really good player, and when you started playing with Nick Eh 30, I thought that would be your big break, but it never happened. It turns out that you very likely would have been better off just sticking with WoW. BTW, what happened with you and your GF, and why did you drop coL?
wise desicion Cartoonz ! you one of the legends here welcome back!
cartoonz, I don't know what to think man, shadowlands honestly is meh to me, but wrath classic is where is at. I haven't had this time in years with wow. are you gonna play classic ?
Damn just found this guy again and it seems like he's already gone