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Toxicity has many causes, in WoW Shadowlands that toxicity has reached boiling point and the origins of this is often overlooked in favour of less nuanced opinions.
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The frustration comes from having to carrying players. If you know that if they were playing with a whole group on their level, they'd never clear anything it makes it feel like you are serving them up all the effort and time you spent to get good.
"100% on the developer" So noone is responsible for their own behaviour
Blizzard created this system
Funny you make this video but you are part of that toxic community.
People are toxic and petty to an insane level on WoW. I've seen people go ballistic over the smallest things, and I constantly see people get needlessly vote-kicked.
Whenever faced with stuff that is completely random, people tend to do whatever it takes to control that randomness.
You know the Onyxia "she deep breaths more" meme? How people were trying to group up, doing everything they could to try to prevent her deep breaths?
Well, the Deep Breath mechanic worked like this:
In Phase 2, there are 8 positions for Onyxia to be hovering at. Every so often, she picks one of the other 7 positions, at random, to fly to. If she flies to the exact opposite position, she has a chance to take a deep breath. (Might be a 100% chance, not sure).
That's it. It's purely random. The only way people can mitigate this randomness is to lower the number of times it is rolled. Therefore, DPS harder.
One thing WoW can learn from FFXIV is to give players alternate ways to mitigate the RNG mechanics. You see a randomly selected ability coming? You can move out of the way and take no damage. If the only solution to RNG is to make sure they don't roll that dice, then people will bitch about kicking the lowest DPS.
I will point another place of design that encourages toxicity: Mythic+. It is the most farmable GOOD gear, you only get half the gear (even less at times) to drop per clear and you have to SPEEDRUN the thing, which means ALMOST zero room for error. Top this off, if you do fail, you don't get another shot, the key gets lowered, which can take you out of the ilvl bracket of gear you actually need. So now you have to grind BACK to that level just to try again…and that key isn't necessarily for that specific dungeon your BiS is in, it could be for a dungeon that offers your spec total GARBAGE.
While I do think it's nice to have more Mythic+ dungeons to work with since the big one got cut in half, now there's MORE M+ dungeons, which reduces the odds of getting the key for the dungeon you WANT. You can buy clears for gold, but that's just a band-aid answer.
People are so desperate for gear due to constantly getting repeat items or nothing at all. Every run counts when people need to grind unmercifully to progress. So when they get stunted because of someone learning it’s a waste of time. You should never get duplicate items. Especially in the vault. It should be a 100% guaranteed upgrade every week. With all the crap drop rates and poor RNG it’s prime for the frustration. I can’t imagine being a new player in this game. It’s rough enough for veteran wow players….
The guy on the right looks so much like Nathanos, and I don't think it's a coincidence.
Toxicity arises from a community due to any number of factors.
One, the person is already toxic. They create toxic actions, say toxic meanings, and use toxic words, in order to create friction, hate, fear…because either they enjoy watching the fallout, knowing that there is not much anyone else can do about it. When your hiding behind a screen at a computer, anonymous communications is essential, most will do or say things they usually wouldn't in real life. They figure they can get away with it, without repercussions. This is not always the case, that some toxic individuals have learned, from either being banned from the device they are using or from law enforcement if what they said and did were considered an unwarranted danger to others.
The second type of toxicity is from Alpha and Beta wolves within a group. A culture of toxicity can grow from the root of a group, or from the groups leadership. If the leader is toxic, his toxicity begins to seep into the culture of those individuals that he or she leads. This is the worst type of leadership, because they advance that toxicity is "normal", when in fact it is not. People will be drawn to do or say things they would not do ordinarily, in order to appease the group, at large, that they are a part of. They are rewarded with compliments or rewarded for their toxic behavior, which only reinforces this behavior. Why is World of Warcraft so toxic? Might as well ask why is PvP, Player Vs. Player, so toxic. Because it's the player vs. player that pushes people to fight, and create an advantage, even if the advantage maybe psychological. The belief that their actions or words has a detritus effect on their opponent, that the opponent loses focus, thereby hoping to win a match. However once the PvP ends, the psychological advantage of being toxic still continues for these people.
Toxicity in games, where people play, is just another hazard, one where we all have to navigate. People acting like jerks, is something that they are not going to get rid of overnight. And attempting to talk to these individuals usually leads to nowhere. Such people gravitate towards the same mental state people to reinforce their belief that what t hey are doing is normal. You have to continually tell them, that is not normal.
Now as for the talk of mechanics which enforces toxicity, that falls down to game design and the game designers. If you create a game, where you have to fight for resources, that's going to cause a lot of friction. A lot of friction. People get fed up. Angry. Mistrustful. And when the game design makes you fight for resources, the toxicity that arises from that comes down on both sides of the fence. The manufacturers of the game that specifically designed the game to make you fight for those resources from other players, and the players themselves. And the players themselves will use every trick in the book, including scamming/ganking in order to gain those resources, which helps put wood on the fire that we call toxic behavior. Again you create a mechanic, fight for resources, where those resources are rewarded towards those that fight for it. Again creating this PvP culture. You want it, you'll have to fight for it. In which case the resources goes to the party which is better equipped, throwing everyone else under the bus. This creates frustration, hatred, fear.
Yes, "It's just a game", is a slogan you all throw around like candy at a parade, but that is not an excuse to be a complete a-hole.
am I one of the only people who feels like raid/dungeon encounters in WoW aren't quite as RNG as people make it seem? I admit it isn't as concretely cycled as many K/J MMOs but to me those are very boring because straight patterns get absolutely boring. Yes, who gets the mechanic can be semi-random but the mechanics themselves are actually fun imo when compared to the K/J set pattern style.
toxic mechanics create toxic communities.
The problem is so much of the content is forced and people dont want to be doing it anyway
that people are going to get pissed off when someone else fucks it up. M+ is a good example.
The other end is the massive RNG fucking over the player. Torghast is the example for that one.
This is something I've been saying all along, and nobody quite agreed with me. WoW's developers put a lot of emphasis to ensure that world first guilds that use every tool in their disposal: addons, datamining, theorycrafting, sims, insane amounts of spending on consumables and BoEs – still have a hard time. By doing so, they make the game outright hostile towards players at all levels of skill.
Masocore games work only as long as they're a solo experience and a person tackles them in their own pace whenever they feel up to the task. WoW is asking 5 to 20 people at a time to be in an optimal performance mode on demand, as they have to continuously face tight fail conditions and stress factors such as timers or "one failure wipes group" mechanics that outright require crutch addons. Performance has to be even across the board and people constantly scrutinize others and refuse to admit their own mistakes because the cost is too high. This naturally leads to much frustration, tightened group selection criterions and more frustration resulting FROM these criterions. The community is self-selecting towards elitism and players who don't push cutting edge content feel ignored but still forced to run hamster wheels on a constant basis to maintain relevant item/dungeon scores that don't make them completely obsolete. Combine that with the pervasive vault RNG and what we get is just punishment that you pay for. At some point people just outright burn out, realize there is literally no point in the gameplay loop at which they enjoy themselves, and leave because this problem is entrenched, systemic and the developers seem to actually consider it a feature. The icing on the cake is the omnipresent boosting which serves to repeatedly remind players that unless you're a career dungeoneer in a guild with matching attitude, by far the fastest and safest way to actually achieve something is to fork out cash.
There are no consequences for these douchebags period…if you pull that shit in FFXIV you are Fucked period…goodbye account. The system needs to change
Blizzard could also stand to actually enforce some rules about toxicity. You can see name calling, belittling, and just outright venom on the official forums every day of the week. That is plain as day, in writing, where someone cannot deny it was said but Blizzard does nothing. People compliment the FFXIV community all of the time and guess what Square Enix does? They police the community, follow up in-game reports, etc. Blizzard refuses to hire more people to even do that sort of thing.
The reason why there is so much toxic behavior is because blizzard bakes it in their game. Take mythic plus. If you do not make the key in time its a waste of time. That makes people mad. The timer makes people toxic. If you removed the timer there would be less toxic people but some people like timers. I am sure you can think of several other examples.
Alex I know you were just kind of making a funny but if you are waking up with headaches it’s almost 100% caused from dehydration. I have to drink like 6-8 cups of water as soon as I wake up or I’ll have same problem or I make sure and drink before I go to bed
If there were less system, tight mechanica and gear RNG, I feel there would be more guilds mentoring and opening up pug slots.
Right now, every moment counts in WoW. Its harder to waste a week lockout. Its harder to fail a key. All the systems are designed that it wastes your time.
All Mythic+ dungeons should have their own record. Enough of this key shit. You do a dungeon under the time limit, you unlock the next one, forever. Hell, challenge modes worked like that.
I hate mechanics you can't dodge. It's so annoying. If you want to damage me, catch me first….. For goodness sake, why is the hit box so big also?
So I played only one month when Shadowlands released. Decided when 9.1 came out id give it one last try. Joined a random dungeon, miscalculated a Heroic Leap at the start of Theater of Pain and pulled ONE extra mob, killed the trash with no problem, get kicked from the party within 5 seconds. That made my mind up about trying FF14, not my game, but by god it aint no Blizz sh*t.
I haven't really been into PVE. But I can say from years of experience that the rp community is toxic AF
DB EU server. AD EU server.
The sheer hate and anger woow
I don’t think I can fully agree with this. I’m sure it’s gotten worse, but I remember being cussed out when i joined a group because I didn’t use a strategy they wanted. Not one person took the time to explain or say anything except calling me an idiot, a cunt, telling me I should kill myself. Let’s be real here if you snap at your wife cause your irritated, stressed or upset at something else that isn’t good but there is a major difference between that and abusing your wife verbally, emotionally, mentally, or physically. The WoW community in my experience takes it to the extreme. And that is not the devs fault. That has been on the game since MoP. So let’s not shift blame for how an adult reacts to the devs. The toxic community of WoW is 100% the WoW players fault. They take the game way too seriously and treat it like life or a job. Take this vs all of the WoW vets like Acco who upload freaking chocobo racing. They are treating ffxiv like a game. While WoW may have designed systems that encourage this more, this mindset was started by the community. If WoW players stopped caring about min-maxing and being competitive and just played for enjoyment they would be alot happier and the game would be a much more peaceful place regardless of what blizzard does. And btw any ffxiv player who treat ffxiv like life and not a game act the exact same way that a lot of WoW players do. This how I can claim it’s not the devs fault this time.
WoW is developed first and foremost to keep people subscribed. Designing with that intent fosters frustration in the player base. The toxic nature of the game is a direct result of how the game is designed.
Re: thumbnail title
Perhaps it's because it's the way Blizzard and comic book writers portray WoW?
I'm not kidding when I included comic book writers and sometimes certain story writers. They make their characters proud and haughty and hypercritical sometimes. Those could contribute to WoW's toxicity.
Its the way the mechanics works, it punishes for not doing quick enough or that or this it rewards the meta, not free range play that's fluid and fun. So you can imagine the type this game keeps around with its current model.
I've embraced the the frustration. Join m+ groups for 1 pull and leave.
Its a frustrating game that demands too much only to reward you randomly. I almost can't blame the players for being toxic.
Even classic is toxic in 2021 while it was not toxic in 2005 at this point i think the game just attracts bad people and nothing blizzard can do to stop it.
Blizz Devs have Egoistic, Alpha Male and Elititsts mindset. So whatever they create will have these elements inside. Can't do the mechanics? "Get good or kick" or "Scrub, you suk".
This is why WoW will have a very hard time to recover and be good again. The disease has spread throughout the entire body already. And the brain is still thinking about money.
Cry babies . Cry cry cry . Oooo he was mean oooo he called me trash . Wow is just like the real world . Some people suck some are good people .if u cant handle toxicity in a game then i cant even imagine how pathetic u are IRL
I have a theory:
– When someone with the potential to become a bully or worse senses weakness in authority, they will test the boundaries.
– Once they test the boundaries and conclude that there are no repercussions significant or painful enough to warrant against what they are preparing to do, they will commit them with abandon.
– As one begins to test the waters, like-minded will begin as well. Before you know it, the corruption spreads and those that are content to live and let live suffer for it in ways that are truly heartbreaking.
– When the innocent seek asylum and the 'authority' tell them to "deal with it" (in a roundabout, weak method), they begin to despair and leave.
– The community you are left with is a bunch of rabid, insistent, sick and twisted punks who then turn on each other and either jump to a new realm or go underground when they are targeted, and reemerge to repeat their antics once more.
I recall when we didn't have such a vile cesspool of players because the company reinforced the rules they set, and the culture demanded actual respect and delivered consequence when it was trodden upon. It was because they were invested in what they created.
That no longer applies today, and with the demand for a woke culture swing pressuring more and more, you will NEVER see a just, strong authority for this game ever again.
Obviously toxic people exist in most online games and I've played heaps of them.
But WOW takes the cake and,in my experience, after WOTLK the amount of assholes escalated to a level of madness. No community ,no goodwill the game is a mere shell of its former self.
Aight. So i was trying to run Labyrinth of the Ancients (Crystal Tower) for the first time as DPS (RDM), i main tank, and ngl i didn't know about the Plate mechanic on the way to the… 2nd(?) boss, also my damage was a bit lacking since i still gotta get used to positioning and casting (gotta wrap my head around that one day).
I didn't cause a single wipe but my group was taking the longest on some of those mid-bosses. Yet still someone needed to point out that "Man, Group B sure is lacking!" in alliance-wide chat, also "Stand on the platform, what's wrong with you? Like you've never done this before" yes in fact i never had to stand on a platform yet, thank you.
I feel like people really wanna get their frustration about those waiting times out and start baiting toxicity on the dumbest shit ever. It's not like i ran a Ultimate, it was a normal difficulty lvl 50 alliance raid. like wtf? again, didn't cause a single wipe, just about 3 seconds of delay on one mid-boss.