Why Karazhan is the BEST Raid Ever Created for World of Warcraft!

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Karazhan is the best raid ever created, hands down. Get ready for a fun trip down memory lane as we discuss what made this raid so good. Is Karazhan your favorite raid? If not, what is? Let me know in the comments! As always hit the video with a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the content!

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Best loot found in Karazhan: https://youtu.be/ilctkfRUuGE


38 thoughts on “Why Karazhan is the BEST Raid Ever Created for World of Warcraft!”

  1. Karazhan was always a joke, i dont understand why this should be the BEST Raid ever. There are so much more challenging Raids like Ulduar or Ice citadell in Heroic.

  2. This was my first raid as main tank. Had been off tank for the previous raids. What a great feeling getting my team all the way through to the end. Top notch video and description.

  3. Attunement, long raid with various boss strategies, very unique and likeable theme, great story, and not an insane amount of trash as well as optional bosses and optional trash pulls.

  4. Playing in a private server right now but don't plan on stepping into kara just yet. I want to experience it when it's "current" as I've never raided in bc ever I can't wait though, it looks awesome

  5. I got attunemen's mount when BC was current. The only extra rare drop I ever got in any expansion. Well and bindings. But never got both. My guild got SEVEN lefr bindings and never got a right back in vanilla. Arrrgh.

  6. You mentioned it briefly but one of the standout parts of Karazhan is the voice acting, from Moroes to Malchezar, the raid has some of the best voice work of any raid.

  7. My favorite raid of all time along with one of my favorite WoW moments off all my years playing. I was a feral druid mostly dps with some off tank duties. We were on Prince and our main tank wiped almost right away at 98%. Raid leader was calling wiped I swapped to bear form and yelled " I got him!" Raid leader quickly flips from wipe to "Zaps got him everyone in!!' and we took him down. It was my first time tanking Prince, and it was just such an awesome moment. The whole guild was super excited for our group to have pulled that off and i got a lotof props for doing it on the fly. Cant wait to get back in there and tank Prince again.

  8. You truly did justice to this magnificent raid Amme, I actually got legitimate goosebumps listening to the retelling of the tragic lore behind Karazhan. One of the greatest Raids blizzard has ever crafted, not for mechanical complexity but for the sheer joy and enjoyment behind every boss and the wonderful ambience of the raid, TBC is almost here and I just can't wait for Karazhan! Another fantastic video, you should consider making more Raid Lore videos in the future, even though it's hard to compare to Karazhan. Keep up the great work, wish I could like the video twice!

  9. This is a big part of why I want to take a break from retail and grind some tbc. Really want to experience karazhan for the first time, as I played during tbc but never reached max level and raided until wotlk

  10. First 10man raid?
    So we are not counting Scholomance and Stratholme because they were nerfed down to 5mand midway through vanilla?
    And we are also not considering blackrock spire because it was a 15man before it was nerfed down to 10man at the same time Strat and Scholo got nerfed.

  11. I love this Raid for 2 simple reasons, Close to the Alliance Main city and the Theme of the Raid is like something out of a J.R.R Tolken book that everyone loves 😀


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