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This really needs to change…
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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands
That guy dickens could've been me easily. I feel the exact same way. As a returning player who wants to play the, once, greatest game ever made… Just let me f…ing play…
The same could be said about legendaries in general. Many newer players simply don't have the gold to buy them. And when a new patch comes out, buffs/nerfs happen, and things change and a new legendary becomes BiS, they cannot afford to buy a new legendary on the AH. This could have solved by simply proving players with a base item akin to the belt that was reusable with legendaries that could be overridden like you can override a gem in a socket with a another gem.
But yeah, the amount of things that have to be done to play challenging content is insane in this expansion.
No i literally get to end game and i get so lost. I've been playing WoW since TBC but there is so much to do to prepare for endgame that i get frustrated and give up. And the game literally doesn't give you any info on what to do next. And with stopping and playing again over the years it just gets harder everytime i wanna come back.
Out of work for some months recently – ONLY reason i came back to WOW lol. Whose to say ill be here when i go back.
The Problem is the lead developer is an Elitist and is in a guild called Elitist Jerks! I left after 15 years when I had to play rated just to get better gear to do random Bgs!
i quit because i realized the games pay to win 😛 the simple fact u have to buy a wow token to get ur legendary is the give away
what a typical retarded NA player
As a new player I don’t even know how to quest, a questline ends and I’ll search for real life days looking for another quest I can do to help level. I’m playing classic wrath, makes it very hard to find motivation when I’m just running around for days
Holydickens is the smartest guy in WoW. He wanted to PvP, Blizzard told him that he had to PvE maxout first and he did the only thing that was right: Quit.
I'm on the other hand: am an idiot. I started SL 3 months ago, grinded through hundreds of BG, farmed a legendary and quit when I saw that I had to go through ZM without flying and still couldn't get ilvl over x because I needed to go rated.
So good at 2:19
yep! and thats how I called it quit. I only lasted 5 months after shadowlands launched. cant handle it anymore.
Game is so boring I quit after 12 hours
Damn straight. I started doing bg’s on my alt and am at 20k health getting one shotted. I just quit doing them. I pretty much just pvp on leveling characters now.
yeah wow is still confusing … i gave a go to lvl 45 and imma like not having any gear progression or doing damage or know what the hell is going on… story wise i have no idea .. quest wise i have no idea… where to go what to do what is the purpose objective i have no idea…. game doesn't at all even try to hold you hand it doesn't do anything to teach u the game it just here u are in world of warcraft … and im like umm ok . . . . . . .and im still like ok …. level up ook….. … its nothing like final fantasy xiv… i'll just stick with a better game.
I want to play this but can't. As a new player it feels impossible for me to ever reach any old player since I also hate playing alts, I hate games that makes me make alts to farm things. I like to play only one toon in mmos.
yeah, i feel this. having a 6months break and coming back.. i just cant.. too much stuff to catchup, grind etc. Wanted to try some soloshuffle but having 65k hp vs 100k+ i just cant bother grinding this same shit honor gear before being even semi valid. its like fighting lvl 60s as a lvl 55. conquest gear obtained 6months ago means shit, same as having full uncommon gear.
You have to enjoy the game. It wouldn't be the first time I deleted a high level character just to rebuild it. The characters dont matter to me. Its what I get out of the game.
yep — just tried getting 2 of my friends into the game who also quit after seeing how much bs there is to get to the good stuff
who the fuck plays trash retail
even the guides on all these things you need to do are so long and intricate… with ADHD it's like you don't even read them you play the game and if you don't get what you want you feel hopeless.
Armoried that same player today, and he's still 60, has the same gear as he does in this video and around the same achievement points, different transmog however.
Though it's clear that this guy to this day 100% lost the courage to ever really get back into this game again even though the current xpac is somewhat better than Shitlands in terms of chores.
Rip WoW. Swtor is winning now.