Why Not Use Addons? – PirateSoftware

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Thor gives some reasons for why he chooses not to use addons with World of Warcraft. Addons, while enhancing certain aspects of gameplay, come with significant drawbacks. They can cause performance issues like lag and crashes, provide unfair advantages that disrupt game balance, and may substitute for the development of genuine in-game skills. Additionally, using third-party addons poses security risks, including potential malware and data breaches. Consider these factors carefully when deciding to use addons.

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43 thoughts on “Why Not Use Addons? – PirateSoftware”

  1. Could never play retail..
    Only ever really played classic, when classic first released back in late 2019 that was pretty much my first experience with wow.

    I leveled a priest to 60 and healed end game instances effectively before even looking at add ons

  2. Of course you don't need them.. agree.
    Some sort of damage meter and something like DBM helps immensely.

    Details! can tell you so much its hindering to not have access to it.
    Especially for things like death recap (irrelevant in hardcore)… and being able to understand your own dps.
    If you are doing badly on dps you will never know without a meter. Hitting random buttons without one will still make you feel like you are pumping even if you aren't.

    DBM or bigwigs just helps you understand boss encounters faster.
    Its wild to expect a brand new player to learn an encounter just by reading the journal.

  3. Thor, thank you so much for this take. I've cleared 90% of end game in all of wow. Not one thing requires add ons. I do find myself wanting light add ons like damage meter to tweak my performance or bartender for classic because I want more bars and them moved.
    Honestly, though, I've always enjoyed using very few or none. Usually, once an exp, I completely dump all of the add ons and slowly add the bare min I want.

  4. You don't technically need a speedometer or RPM gauge or half the shit in your current vehicle. But I promise you'd be buying aftermarket parts to avoid speeding tickets and your engine randomly exploding.

  5. Bosses that cannot be taunted require dps to have threat meter.

    Leatrix plus has nice quality of life functions.

    Ranker tells you how much honor you have / need.

    Atlas loot is really nice to have.

    Spell activation overlay is really nice for spell proc classes.

    Loads more really good addons..

    Believe it or not some people take pride in creating their mods and are very good at it

  6. Anyone who thinks ANY Blizzard game is unoptimized is either lying or never played another game before aka lying.
    Say what you want about Blizzard, no one NO ONE can optimize games better than them.

  7. Preach Thor!
    Addons are becoming the bane of MMOs since they are telling you how to play the game. You don't need an addon like DBM when bosses have tells like animations, voice lines, and health percentage triggers that you know are coming up to prepare for.

    Imagine if blizzard balanced dungeons and raids using addons. Then that would basically force players to go and get addons. At which point, you might as well give up trying to balance anything at all.

    Removing addons has been the best choice I ever made

  8. J1mmy (also in onlyfangs) has a great video on the plugins for Oldschool Runescape.

    And how they affect the playerbase's performance and game design to a degree.

    Where it sort of artificially pushes the skill ceiling up. Which muddies down the achievement of really skilled players, and then raises the skill floor for new ones. Because the content being developed gets deemed "too easy".

    It also harms the development process, because it means the devs don't have to worry about whether certain mechanics are clear or not.

  9. Idk personally I think details/recount do nothing but help you as a player and we should adapt the FFXIV rules to it and just shut up about your/ parties dps. But the amount of info details can break down for you is insane and does nothing but help you understand where your damage comes from which is arguably one of the larger points of a RPG.

  10. I use a touch screen laptop and switch controllers to farm or level on treadmill and the laptop can only handle a couple addons and it's kinda refreshing

    It is annoying when I open map and questie has too much going on and it crashes

  11. Damn bro rare L take. Look if you don’t wanna use addons then have at it. But I am banking you have significant game knowledge and game awareness. The average player does not know what you know.
    I am against addons that hold you hand while questing. But many of the other ones are for quality of life that should be baseline already in the game. Majority of the raid mechanics are braindead toddler proof anyway. And your complex rotation of casting one spell just feeds into this idea that you don’t need them.

    Me wondering why my tank is a walking dumpster fire, oh right he has no threat meter. And is blissfully unaware of his low threat.
    Now we are all dead running back to the dungeon.

    How about an in game dungeon map and loot table? A damage meter to know when you’re playing your class efficiently?
    To rely on the base form of WoW classic and have faith that it is complete is foolish.

    I honestly see not using addons as like a stake in the ground elitist thing, I’m smart and aware enough that I don’t need addons!! You’re really not proving anything to anyone on your anti addon high horse.
    The addons provide hella nice quality of life changes. So why you gotta condemn ppl for using them.

  12. I use addons but I am disabled and wouldn't be able to learn classes or clear encounters without them in WoW. This is really more of the Dev's fault since I can do it in ESO just fine, and even heal there. WoW just has shitty encounters that don't make any sense to me and way too many abilities.


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