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What kind of Orcs are… Orcs?
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Why Orc? – A Compilation of Flawless Reasons | World of Warcraft
Stuff I used to make this:
– Adobe Premiere Pro
– Clip Paint Studio
– Audacity
– Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
– World of Warcraft
druk'thor good orc
Black desert online.. hmm to asian, mobile game graphic for me
I say no peace, horde literally are the cause of all the problems. There would never be 4 wars if the horde never showed up. The legion also horde fault. The shadowlands expansion, 100% horde fault
@4:50 its also famous for having a crap upgrade and enchanting system that revolves around p2w bs. STAY AWAY FROM THIS MMO GUYS
Honestly, coz they are one of the 2 main races of wow as a whole. Hence my mains being a an orc warrior and a human pally for each faction respectively.
19 years later, we still dont have the Ogre race for horde
Me dat typa Orc! 😉
Omg i thought they were once elves… This is so much better this is why i love Warcraft lore and its so much better than lord of the rings or real ones.
Weird fact to note: Orcs have only been on Azeroth for about 30-40 years
>Talks to horde RolePlayers
-Deep lore, lots of respect, diverse, intense and actually living into the entire "Nomad" style that horde have.
>Talks to Alliance RolePlayers
-Filthy erotic perverts, got nothing but sexual thoughts, no diverse character building considereing the vast difference in the culture from Human>Gnome/Dwarf>Nelfs>Dreanai and worgen.
why are they like this
I personally agree with the opinion of The Kilian Experience, when visiting Orgrimmar: "Legion… infinite power? WTF, then why I am with these guys? They put horns on houses!
I've always been a horde man at heart.
Thrall is my main man, a huge part of why I roll Horde. Mucho respect for him, Vul'Jin and Cairne for all that they have done or tried to do for the sake of their respective peoples.
Honestly though, a lot of the distrust towards the orcs is misplaced. Yeah, they invaded Azeroth in the first place, but they were basically a bunch of Banes hopped up on venom with a touch of mind control.
most of what I've seen lore wise doesn't come from orcs as a whole, but individual orcs (and a couple undead) drunk on power. I mean, it wasn't an orc that poisoned everyone at the gates of the citadel to get their hands on a few more corpses to raise…
Not to mention that a lot of those that fought for Sylvanas only did so due to the title of Warchief and out of respect for Vul'Jin relinquishing it to Sylvanas upon his death and the hopes that they could just go back to scratching out a life for themselves where they could.
I've never played orc and warrior, and i'll keep it this way, ain't no zug zug!
"I dont carry an axe, I build"
Rayn Orcsling
Orc is the op race, easy meal everytime
6:16 Min.: Or they just like to be ugly duh! XD Yes i hate the orcs and i dont play them. Brainless brutes in my eyes that be ugly af 😀
7:34 Min.: See you somthing? The most players be in the valley of strength ^^ thats normal for og ^^ So why sartch you in the valley of honor? only to creat a negativ picture of wow because you be with your rosa red glasses bond at vanilla and be brain ways stucked there? I see… Its gaves NO reason if you WANT found people and WANT show it fair without bashing retail in one way that you start in the valley of honor…
13:06 Min.: A fan that you know? 😀 x3
13:58 Min.: Me only cames Goel in my mind if its cames to a noble orc but he also cheated by duel and dont help us by deathwing and lazor him while we be at it. His goals be noble yes, but what he do wasnt realy noble. Making garosh the warchief was also not the best choice tbh. I say only manabomb. But i guess this know all still.
15:39 Min.: The kind of orc that got a stupid word joke name with orc in it and only get lvled until max and then after im done with it NEVER get touched until the max lvl is higher. This kind of orc would i be. A orc would be ONLY 1 of 60 outher charas and 1 of that i not play many time.
"Why Orc?"
Warhammer 40k orks are way better lol