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shut it dawn and stop macking the game that fails at aver thing a game that tacks so much time skill is now a pay to win jock want to do m+ o all you need 150k gold and you can have one of the top guilds run you want to lvl a toon why wast your time gave them 65 dollers and boost it o you dont 65 dollers well fuck you we dont care
Solo queue works fine on private servers, great fun for solo players.
The gear they give us on retail playing pvp solo is horrible so no point in playing.
They should give solo pvp players some way to get good gear, like solo queue for arena or RBG or something so there is a point in playing.
I miss MOP gear system, no pve gear on bgs+no rating requirement on conquest gear.
U give casual pvp players crap gear they go play something else…
The most important thing on arena pvp is that we need a system were only players with the same ilvl play against. 90% of my games a play against players with gear that is way better than mine. I personally would say fuck character development take it out of the game for pvp players. We don't want to grind gear. Just give the full pvp gear to us and let us grind the rank. Make the game more esports. We don't need gladiator gear with ranks it's shit only pushes booster Services fuck that we don't need it. I want to see the developers get above 1400 in 2v2 with an new character. All the boosters will rape them the won't even get out of 1300 . But I looks like the don't look at normal people who are trying to rank up in lfg what also is a shit system what is waisting a lot of time. Fuck that when you want to play after work and you have to stay ours in there to find ppl that is a shit system. Then you find someone and boosters are raping you with overkill -.- . This system is for players who are playing wow 8 hours a day but not normal people. And even players who are playing much are pissed of this system everyone hates it.
This was a really good video
But those AWC Trailers are pretty dope right
the problem with pvp is look how blizzard handles thing. they said theyre looking at offhealing yet it seems their solution to all the offhealing is to give almost every spec a mortal strike effect, instead of toning down the numbers. i should not see a feral druid and ret out heal their own healer and do as much as mine and yet when i finally die. my healer is oom. adding a mortal strike effect to many specs isnt going to fix the issue. throwing systems to fix a problem, shame on them that just adds more issues to balance.
look at the crazy gameplay people do in pvp, you have rogues who only want to attack when they have vanish and for some reason are die hard stuck on going for that 1 shot. thats frustrating and not fun seeing dampening go up to 50% and the enemy only wants to attack when they have a particular cd to just run away and stay stealthed. how do we expect people to keep pvping or have fresh blood come in when you have classes that can keep u locked in a stun for 10 secs or more, classes that never seem to die, always have a counter for everything and are always on you so if you play a caster, its not fun to do pvp and barely get a chance to do anything. the game has to much counter. holinka states players at the end of the day, need to just die. ok fair then why are there so many counters? like skill capped said you have to do so much just to hope and maybe get a execution.
I'd like LFG to have a short list feature where I can add myself to a shortlist to a comp or certain content & be on that shortlist even offline. It's like a temporary list of friends interested in that content or comp, it shows who's online.
The short list can have req in terms of rating or other features. Once you reach above 1500, move to 1600 shortlist for rmp or w/e.
It's crazy the with TBC classic out, so many top level PvPers are more excited about a 14.5 year old game's PvP system then the current game. TBC is far from perfect, but in theory it should be the baseline meaning it should be the worst, and every expansion should improve on it, but as we know it's not even close to that. There's no doubt that Shadowlands requires more coordination and skill (if people are evenly geared that is), but it doesn't make for a better experience.
If TBC through say MOP was Chess, Shadowlands is "What if we do chess but each side gets five Queens that randomly spawn at different times, oh and Pawns can't die unless they get hit by a Rook and a Bishop at the same time…oh, and sometimes pieces just disappear". It's just such a mess right now.
Solo que. Just like an arena skirmish but with Rating. I dont care if I get a bad match up. You literally que into counters at higher rating anyways.
Probably 6v6 RBG and Solo Queue as Holinka mentioned. Looking forward to testing them as Brawl next season.
They should at least put some slower hidden MMR in skrims and give more conquest for it .
All they need to do is let you choose what specs you prefer to play with in solo que. If you're a rogue and you just want to play with a mage thats fine you're que will be longer but at least you get to play the game.
I don't know what you guys think, but for me WoW is a Lamborghini that the devs for some reason decided to only drive in the fucking 50s Zone. The game has soooo much potential but the devs are so stubborn and lazy ( or under employeed)…
rating floors
No one playing.
Blizzard: This is fine.
LFG rework just has to be their #1 priority. Maybe drop soloQ for RBGs as well to test it before making one for arena, barely anyone takes that bracket seriously and you'd be way less likely to get an awful comp than in arena.
Lfg needs to be updated and cross faction queueing should exist
Also, great video gave information and a positive tone which is needed
Grinding systems for gear and minor rating caps for specific slots is fine. This bull crap that's the new rating walls needs to end. I know I'm not great, but I want to at least play on a fair gear level if I am ever to consider resubbing.
Oh, and this isn't League of Legends, curb the burst and make healing mana matter and matches won't last forever.
If you have great survival, then you SHOULDN'T have great burst. The strategy should be leaning on either great CC or dampening. If you have great burst, then you SHOULDN'T have great healing. Makes CD management for certain specs feel impossible.
the most important change wow needs is to remove gear disparity in pvp.
So they realized, after 7 months, that off healing is out of control, I don’t know what to say at this point
There is literally no "problem" with SoloQueue that isn't either compensated by the system itself or a much bigger problem with the LFG system, which is currently basically solo queue with extra steps. #SoloQueue
Well you don't get to be picky with comps in LFG either, except with solo queue you'll just as often be in a bad comp with no comms as up against one, unless you specifically adhere to the more likely to be versatile meta, and even then, if you're paired with a niche spec, you'll actually have good reason to think they've earned their place, unlike in LFG, where everyone just buys carries.
pls shut about solo q ,thats so stupid and its not the problem…the problem is LONG Q TIMES not stupid SOLO Q
shit wow dying was like global warming at first nobody belive it
Nice, a video covering why I quit bothering with the game. Worst progression system imo; maybe even worse than azerite gear.
There's no issue with delivering a #SOLOQUEUE system, at least in 2v2 arenas. Devs just need to figure out how to pair different classes and specs together and put them against equal opponents, so that the expected win chance of the teams against each other would not exceed 49-51%. This system has to consider different variables like rating, ilvl, type of gear (pvp or pve) etc. They (devs) literally have all the necessary data to conduct such reasearch and develop this system, the key part is COMMITTING TO IT.
Being able to automatically queue into a more or less balanced setup as a solo player would drastically improve solo PvP experience for a lot of players.
what PvP needs right now, faster/more DRS on cc or flatout removal of a lot of CC if not reduction in duration or severity. I can't speak for everyone but I know that many people have been very much put off of PVP due to the fact that you can't walk if there's a warlock on the enemy team roster. Damage is high, many of us can die in a single stun if the enemy team cares to focus on us, and that's more or less okay if we are allowed to walk occasionally when we're not stunned till death. Second on The chopping Block should be the absolute removal of any and all boosting or boosting related speech and players who are involved in Tainting the rated environment. Paid carries in PVE are no more moral but I don't feel it carries the same prestige as success in PvP ladder climbing. As a 1800 novice player that earned his rating in the RBG setting with Friends I cannot queue for skirmish even without fighting gladiator geared folks. Gave up on PVP until the patch (9.1) about 2 months ago because I can't do any rated or non-rated PVP without being globaled by a gladiator. this is mainly only a concern in rbgs where our 1800 geared folks have to fight 1500 MMR gladiator geared enemies. Item level should be a factor in matchmaking, preferably an extremely strong one, and also been any sort of swapping of gear inside of rated PVP content, rbgs or otherwise, and in combat status or otherwise should be eliminated and circumventing that code change would be cause for a ban. If there's too much CC in the game to have to make trinket switching macros to deal with the CC then there's just too much CC and fix the problem. Some of the getting globaled and crowd control concerns appear to already be addressed for 9.1 and I do look forward to 9.1. If the proposed changes don't actually have any effect in reducing the what seems like a one shot during the first one second of a stun and the inability to walk I'm probably going to have to take a step away from PvP for awhile. The PVP scene hasn't dried up for no reason but I would assume that the before mentioned above including boosting has something to do with it. The more boosters get hired the more boosters are required to make progress for players that don't already have gladiator gear, it kind of takes all the prestige out of it because it's been made a pay to win system. I just won't take part in that kind of a system.
Saying Ion implied that gear doesnt matter in pvp is a totally dishonest representation of what he said. He said it matters a LOT in pvp, but not as much in pve as players behave it does, which is entirely true. There are max gear players in pve that can still only barely complete a +15 in time, and that's what he was referring to.
roflret is an absolute genius. He said and I agree, like timewalking, scale item level to MMR. If you're a gladiator choosing to play with your friends in a 1400 MMR game you're wearing gear scaled and down to 1400 rating stats. GLHF getting paid to carry a group when all the folks trying to do the carrying have the same item level as the people they're trying to slaughter. That's the only way to get Fair rated PVP, if you want to take the gear that you've acquired through climbing successfully to world PVP have at it.
better BGs rewards
Solo que
Shadowlands needs regular pvp balance changes. It does not matter whether something is a little too strong for 2 weeks, a changing meta and evolving meta is good. Patches that stay for 3 months are not.
They revamped pvp in a patch called tbc classic
Blizzard need to take boosting seriously and address the core issues. Nothing feels worse than being stuck at any given rating, facing glad geared boosting services, and every time you open the group finder you see the same boosters you have faced advertising boost sales… The thought eventually enters your head "Am I playing this game wrong? 10 groups selling boosts and 3 actual LFG groups… maybe you are supposed to just buy rating?!" It is a shitty feeling and it has never been as prevalent as it is in Shadowlands.
Biggest issue: they need to make random BG’s worth it. The honor reward is so narrow, the grind is too much. It kills me desire to level up and gear alts. Secondly, no averaging of ilvl in matches turns most BG’s (the tacticless mess it is) into a simple gear check. Hope your team has more gear!
Get rid of gear in pvp and give us solo q for both rbg and arena